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My Brother’s Fiancé

Don’t get me wrong she is a nice person. I just think in there relationship she over rules/ controls a lot. We talked about the wedding just with him. There are things he doesn’t agree with. When I ask why he doesn’t talk to her about it he says happy wife happy life. Which I assume is to keep her happy he has to go with what she wants. When my brother and her moved in together my brother said most of him stuff ended up in storage locker she didn’t like the look of the place it before. The one time me and my other brother were visiting we went bowling with them and had a meal with him. As siblings we wanted split the pay. My brother said okay $20 bucks each. But after we paid him his fiancé said no I think they should pay more. We’re like okay how much then? She said $40. But we just were about to pay more my brother he said no I said $20. She was hesitant about it. They looked like they were going to argue. But we were just leaving so it got left at that.

I never been in a long relationship before. Just wondering if this okay that one person seems to have more say in the relationship then the other. Is it okay for that to happen?
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itsok · 31-35, F
It’s their choice, I guess, to decide what they are and aren’t ok with.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Your Brother needs to set boundaries with this woman. And quickly !

If he's in the position of thinking "She'll make such a stroppy fuss if i disagree !", he needs to let her know that partnerships are about give and take.
And if all she's doing is taking, that's where extremes of behaviour become more and more likely if they don't get their way.

I get that Bridezilla's are a thing these days, and it's one thing to be planning a wedding of her dreams and becoming a pain in the rear if she can't get what she wants for 'her dream day'
But this incident was nothing.

What is your brother going to do when she throws aggressive outbursts at him when they have three children to also think about ???
@Picklebobble2 Hi :). Can i ask something but dont want to ask it publicly so anyone can see coz some people might make fun of me. Would appreciate it if youll send me a message so i can replay you with my question (coz for some reason i can't message first). Thanx :)
Hi :). Can i ask something but dont want to ask it publicly so anyone can see coz some people might make fun of me. Would appreciate it if youll send me a message so i can replay you with my question (coz for some reason i can't message first). Thanx :)
@someonefromsomewhere1 send me a message, I don't pm here, so I don't know how.
being · 36-40, F
Let them be and focus on your life... If they've chosen one another, it's better if you stay out of it. I feel you. My sister's husband has a lot of flaws...
But he's there for her and they're together for years now. I guess my sister has her flaws equally.
I mean, unless it's something really important, I'd suggest that you stay out of it...
She sounds very controlling.
Convivial · 26-30, F
Sounds bad...
Fluffybull · F
It's not really any of your business. Also as you haven't been in a relationship before you're not really the best one to lecture your brother about his.
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This promises to be a fun wedding, watching the bride unravel in front of family and friends when she doesn't get her way. I would love to be a fly on the wall, and what great material this would make for future I doers.
@cinsac Hi :). Can i ask something but dont want to ask it publicly so anyone can see coz some people might make fun of me. Would appreciate it if youll send me a message so i can replay you with my question (coz for some reason i can't message first). Thanx :).
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
Yikes. This does not sound like a healthy relationship
solitaire · 41-45, F
I sense that your brother might end up being hen-pecked husband?
@solitaire Hi :). Can i ask something but dont want to ask it publicly so anyone can see coz some people might make fun of me. Would appreciate it if youll send me a message so i can replay you with my question (coz for some reason i can't message first). Thanx :).
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