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I never saw my dad eat so many french fries in one setting today lol

Just venting because am bored now,,,,aIlright, Tonight.

Today was Assumptiion day, a chrisian holiday so everywhere was closed. I finallly found some fast food restaurant to pass the time..today
I think I have refilled my dad;s plate for him with fries and mustard about 5 times. He was so eager that he did not bother to use a fork even.....he used his fingers,

I got him 2 heineken beers too which really pleased him.

He is 93 now you see almost totally blind and with heart disease and Parkinson disease too.

I have to be careful because this renders my mother jealous as shit,,,,,,

OK bye
RuyLopez56-60, M
Definitely let him enjoy himself!!!!
It is great that he had fun with you. A little over indulgence at his age is good for him, a real treat!

Ah well, jealousy will happen when it looks like you're favoring one parent over another. I appreciate that's not your intent, it's the way they see it though..
Heartlander80-89, M
The tremors and rigidity that often go with Parkinson鈥檚 can consume huge amounts of energy, in turn leading to a big appetite. Even when sleeping their arms or legs may be bouncing for hours and hours.
Thinkerbell41-45, F
Your dad must have a cast iron stomach... 馃槼

I didn't know France celebrated Catholic holidays.....

Probably the sheer joy he had with his meal was well worth it
originnone61-69, M
I always thought the feast of the assumption was a really funny name....like....what are we going to assume today? LOL
Time to eat 7 potatoes to assert my dominance
Strictmichael7561-69, M
You are a very nice loving daughter
I'm glad you have the 'fuck it' attitude and are giving him simple pleasures .
Getting old isn't fun, especially when you have lost as much as he has .

I sneak alcoholic ginger beers to my mum in a nursing home. But it's not allowed .
Wtf ? How is booze not allowed in old age homes? That's just cruel .

Why does she get jealous?
@OogieBoogie Booze is sometimes allowed in old age homes, but limited. When people are old enough to be there, they are usually old enough to fall even when sober, and break a hip, which is extremely debilitating.
@4meAndyou i suppose so.
Lucky my mum is in a wheelchair then 馃し
@OogieBoogie Totally!!! Give her all the booze she wants, in that case!
Please give yourself and your Dad these from me (((((HUGS))))) I am so very glad that You had a great time with your Dad today 馃

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