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My sister that lives with me has her grandchildren and they're always wild Maniacs in my house I live in a trailer so when they run the whole house makes noise she doesn't know how to make them behave her grandson was in my room and I asked him to get out she had to ask him to get out just so he would get out sorry but I can't handle misbehaving children I just can't
4meAndyou · F
You need to explain to your sister that grandchildren time needs to be conducted in a park, or the mall...just...elsewhere. If she doesn't like that, give her the option of learning how to discipline her grandchildren.

It is YOUR trailer.
NewRaven · 51-55, F
I understand that. My grandkids don’t listen to many people but they listen to me. I have consistent rules, use a stern tone when needed so they know I mean business, and they all hate time out. Works wonders. So once they know they’re boundaries, I don’t have any problems with them.
Sometimes they just have to talk to the hand
I may be old fashioned but for me a smacked bottom always works well to get kids to behave
lwshm64 · 56-60, F
@nevergiveup their not my kids
olderuncle944 · 70-79, M
@lwshm64 your right there not but there in your home and so is your sister have a talk with her ans say if you donr take care of the kids i will
GeniUs · 56-60, M
If he does it again ask him if he has a girlfriend, irrespective of what he says start chanting 'he's got a girlfriend' and 'the baby carriage' song.
Nobody will be screwing with you once they realise you can embarrass them.
Musicman · 61-69, M
How would you have liked to handle this? Do they have somewhere else to go?
Give them a game to play, the one that stays quiet the longest sitting on the couch gets $10

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