I relate a lot to Marilyn Monroe. Neither of my parents loved me…anyone else?
I know the movie isn’t a biopic.. but there are many details that are true including that her father never wanted to see her and her mother was mentally ill, hospitalised in an institution most of her life. Well I can relate! My father refuses to be in my life and my mother is mentally ill… I’m also 34 and I spent much of my childhood isolated and alone.. I was physically abused by my mother having been removed by child protection services at age 9. I pined for my dads love.. I would call and try to talk to him and yearned for his attention and love so much. Hes ignored me my whole life. It really affected me in my teens and twenty’s when I started seeking other male attention.. I’m blessed to of met my husband and had children of my own. I’m also successful having started a multimillion dollar business 5 years ago..I’m successful and smart and beautiful and I have a great life, with lots of people who respect and love me, and like me and care about me….I have a beautiful family. I’d like to think any normal father would be so proud. Not mine I thought if I made enough money or was the most successfull, or had the most beautiful family and children that it would draw him in, but sadly I’ve come to accept that it’s done the opposite. He’s ignored me even more… and swatted me away and been too busy to call me back or anything…it’s devastating..I don’t understand a father who doesn’t love his daughter. My own husband just eats sleeps and breathe our children so effortlessly.. he loves them so much. I don’t know how to justify my dads actions in my brain except to think maybe he just has a mental illness. Can anyone relate? I know if Marilyn were here she could’ve. Which makes me feel less alone :-/
Bless all you beautiful souls.
Bless all you beautiful souls.