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Few More Days Of Freedom

For us teachers, anyways. Not that you'd realise, of course.

Term starts on this coming Thursday, for the children, but we'll be around a couple of days before to get everything up and running before hand.

That also means that it's the end of fun family time for our daughter...

Fun, as in spending some time up North to see my family, some time at the holiday home we've just bought in the Midlands and meeting up with old friends, swimming, cycling, playing guitar, water fights, shopping, nature reserves, long walks, home cinema nights, cooking classes.

The heat has sometimes made it difficult, but it's been on the whole a lovely time spend with my wife and our daughter. Making memories...that's what it's all about.

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SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
The weather has made this a memorable summer for many chi!dren, I'm sure. Good luck for the autumn term!
KarenDuponteDurose · 46-50, F
@SunshineGirl Thank you!
arthurca · M
Good luck throughout this coming school year, Karen
KarenDuponteDurose · 46-50, F
@arthurca Thank you, Art.

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