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I technically still haven't come out as bi to my family yet and it's lowkey hilarious.

I've always been insanely ambiguous about my sexuality and I'm pretty sure everyone just assumes I'm gay anyway, which is totally fine as far as I'm concerned. The thing is, I'm aromantic and my parents are extremely against the idea of sex outside of marriage. So if I told anyone, they'd assume that I'm seeing someone behind their back and boy howdy, I do not want my family up my ass about any potential relationships I might be having.

Besides, even if I did have a partner, I really wouldn't want any of them knowing about that. Probably my biggest fear is if my family one day manipulated my partner against me, and any possibility of that happening -- however remote -- is absolutely unacceptable.
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BlueVeins · 22-25
@SW-User Yeahhhh we just have very different ideas of what life is all about and I literally cannot imagine what would happen if they found this stupid fucking account 😅
@BlueVeins samw dude same i had drama w her over just my instagram following lmao i hate that psychologically we somehow need their validation wtf
BlueVeins · 22-25
@SW-User Honestly I don't even care about their validation anymore, I just can't handle fighting, especially over personal shit. And I know everyone's gonna be furious at me if I piss them off, it's just a lot more trouble than it's worth.
I agree with the term no sex before marriage but overbearing can be an issue you're only human!
BlueVeins · 22-25
@Souls Yeah I respect people who do that, just wish they'd respect my choice to the contrary.
It’s funny that they’d be more bothered about you having sex outside of marriage than they’d be about the person you’re having sex with. I remember when I had to come out as bi when I got my first boyfriend…we’d all just assumed I was all lesbian 😂 I did a 180 and went back to girls after him
BlueVeins · 22-25
@SW-User yeah I'm pretty sure my dad is very anti-gay but he keeps a tight lid on it to keep the peace. 🥰 ik that probably sounds bad but I honestly think it's kind of sweet that he sorta just sacrifices what he legitimately believes in order to maintain cohesive family ties.
@BlueVeins I get that, it makes sense to me to. It’s kinda like my atheism in a catholic family, sometimes I just grit my teeth and accept the “god bless you” 😂
wackidywack · 26-30
the way you describe them, they sound kinda crazy
BlueVeins · 22-25
@wackidywack They're a little cray-cray and I'm a little paranoid. I barely even know what's real anymore.
wackidywack · 26-30
@BlueVeins are you good
BlueVeins · 22-25
@wackidywack I am a monsterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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