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Narcissistic mom, no contact - family won’t return calls or speak to me

My mom is a narcissistic. A Classic 1 in 100 very toxic and abusive narcissist. I was physically and mentally abused as a child, being forced to live with my grandparents and dad by child protection services at age 8 when my mom broke my jaw and knocked out my 2 front teeth. That was the straw that broke the camels back, but the truth is that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it came to alll I endured. I forgave my mom a lot and went back and forth even after that because I desperately yearned for a mother’s love ( that I never found throughout years of wanting to believe it existed in her)

When I got older some things happened involving my children that forced me to go no contact. I needed to protect them for their physical safety and mental safety. My older brother was the first actually to do this and I then followed 2 years later.

I’m now a year and a half into no contact and I’ve tried to reach out to my grandma, great grandma (who doesn’t have much time left), grandpa, sister, aunts and like they won’t even return my calls or messages. My mom has created a true smear campaign basically saying that I might be hitting them up for money, that I’m a thief and a liar and mentally ill.. I mean wow.

My husband is an attorney and I own my own business. We make almost 400,000 a year between the 2 of our careers. We aren’t hitting them up for money. We aren’t liars… we aren’t thieves.. we are good, hardworking people who are breaking the cycle and protecting our kids.

See, the thing is though my mom has driven these daggers into my family relationships now. And I’ll never be able to speak to them again it seems like unless I go through my mom…. My mom supports them financially too so they are like really stuck on her “teat”..

I guess I’m just wondering how to deal with this reality that my extended family is gone. I’ll never speak to my mom again sadly and I just I’m so sad thinking my mom has painted this picture of me to my family that isn’t true. It pains me to know they think of me this way likely based on what she’s said to them about me with her crazy smear campaigns.

I’m devastated and sad.. I think about my extended family all the time. They refuse to talk to me at all. Messages unreturned, calls, etc. It’s a deep cut. Anyone else go through this? Did the rejection get better eventually ? What happened when they got old and maybe passed away did you feel sad and guilty ? Any coping mechanisms you can share? Would love to hear any other experiences going no contact and losing your family.

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Mamapolo2016 · F Best Comment
My advice would be to write letters to the family members you would like to be in contact with.

Do not mention your mother except to say something like "As you probably know, things aren't good between us, but I would truly like to see/talk/email/write to you. I miss you.

"We are doing well, here. (Husband) is working at.... and my business is doing well.

"Please know it would make me happy to be in contact with you again."

Maybe send your grandmother/great-grandmother a little money? "Treat yourself to something."

My family had a rocky time for a bit, but got it patched up. It's rough.

Since they are dependent on your mother, and also since they may fear you blame them for knowing how it was for you as a child, and they probably feel guilty. When you write to them, make it clear you thank them for helping to save you, without bringing your mother into it.

Then, if they do not respond, there's not much for you to do but there's also nothing for you to feel guilty about.

Nebula · 41-45, F
Geez, Im so sorry. Seems like you have been through enough and if they know what you went through and dont want anytjk gnto do with you or your family, maybe you are better off. ☹
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