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This is silly lol

I had a dream today that Muslims finally got some sense and brought a GPR device or like an X-ray thing and decided to see what's really inside the prophet's tomb in Saudi Arabia. And well the dream just ended there with me getting slightly curious to see what will actually prevail from the process and I woke up.

It was a GPR device specifically because I have these thoughts of Journey To The Centre Of The Earth at the back of my head.

In Islam it's believed that the prophet's body is still intact till today. And like everything else you are not supposed to question that and if you do then it's Satan trying to disturb your faith. And obviously they would never try to prove it because imagine the damage that it can do to the structure of the faith when they find nothing there. There's a few stories about people who tried to prove that in the past and one of them ends up with a couple of people getting beheaded over it. I'm not sure if it's a real story tbh but I would think that of course someone must have gotten curious. Another story says that Iranians tried to steal the body once.
That's quite interesting. Yes, finding nothing would put another nail in the coffin of blind faith in extraordinary claims. But if they found the body is indeed still intact, that's clear evidence of at least one miracle and a very compelling reason for the masses to start worshipping too. So why wouldn't religious people want to show what state the body is in? Maybe their faith isn't as strong as they claim and are afraid of being proven wrong rather than right?
@NerdyPotato I'm leaning more towards the next part. It's because the religious figures themselves are in doubt but they just brush it off and move on without really thinking about it.

In a book I read it's more of a decaying ship and it's slowly sinking and it will eventually do sink but probably not in another 3 decades or so. My theory is that basically in the Islamic calendar it's the middle ages still "1400s".

500 years ago Christianity was going through the same stage and it tore Europe apart and now it's basically our turn and all the wars in Yemen and Syria are basically between sunnis and shiites. Iran is arming their friends and the Saudis are doing the same they just can't get along ever. Like the Catholics and Protestants up till the start of the industrial revolution.
@NerdyPotato Why show what you have and potentially be wrong when you can just tell the curious that their behaviour is a crime against your faith??? 🤔
@HootyTheNightOwl indeed, that's so much easier and safer.
HannibalAteMeOut · 22-25, F
Damn I didn't know about this belief at all. Similar to how some Christians pilgrim on some supposed saints' body parts or relics and think they can do miracles or something.
I hope you can continue the dream though lol
@HannibalAteMeOut Haha now you do. Interesting lol there are similar relics that some Muslims believe in.
An ending should be interesting lol
There is no Quran verse that says that though. Only stories from people.
@PiecingBabyFaceTogether Personally i kinda believe in texts way older. The Sumerian texts. They seem more rooted in logic.
But that is just me. I still like to study all religions. It's fascinating.
@SW-User That's interesting. I like the historical part of older religions too.
If there's really a God anyway I believe they would just judge people according to their deeds and just that no matter where they are and what they are doing and they wouldn't really care if you believe in them or not.
@PiecingBabyFaceTogether funnily enough CJLewis who wrote the Narnia series explored that through allegory when a gentle man made it to heaven though he was a follower of the enemy, evil God. And Alsan says, but all that time he was worshiping him, he was actually worshiping me (ie Aslan's qualities)

I don't know why I told you this. Growing up there were hardly any children's books

Anyway I really loved that concept, then and now 😊
SinlessOnslaught · 26-30, M
Has anyone ever successfully X-rayed it?
@SinlessOnslaught It's illegal for non Muslims to enter the holly cities so probably most likely never. This doesn't change the fact that some Atheists do live in those cities.
SinlessOnslaught · 26-30, M
All I can think of is Achmed the Terrorist popping out of the coffin. "You dare disturb me? I keeeeel you!"

I'm ADD. It isn't my fault I'm a bad person.
@SW-User That's like a mummy movie 😅

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