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Giddy · 26-30, F
I've had a dream like this, in my dream my auntie has a saw and cut both my legs off. It stills bothers me to this day XD

Keraunos · 36-40, M
I can't recall experiencing anything of the sort. I once had a dream that I saw on the news that Ted Cruz had died of a stroke. The content of the dream was so ordinary in nature that I actually believed it was a real memory and thought he was dead in real life for a good two months.
Randomlygenerated · 26-30, F
@Keraunos Yes, I've also had dreams like that! A few times I have casually commented to people 'remember when...' and they just stare at me blankly. After some discussion we decide that I just dreamed it.
DanielChristensen · 46-50, M
It's been a long time and I blinked when I read this from the sudden recollection but yes, I've had this experience. Woke sort of resentful and upset with that person lol
Randomlygenerated · 26-30, F
@DanielChristensen Yep, it's awful isn't it? You have to keep reminding yourself that it was only a dream, they didn't really do it!
I had a few of those and some were messages what is to come in future.
Randomlygenerated · 26-30, F
@aaaabbbb I have had some dreams that happened afterward, but they were quite banal, though oddly specific. Thankfully, none of my dreams regarding other people have come true!
Yes, I tend to keep them to myself.

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