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Do you or have you had a recurring nightmare?

I had this same nightmare on and off for at least 5 years, from age 15 to 20.
I was running away from something, running for my life, across flat ground out in the countryside. There was a tremendous roaring noise and just as the noise became almost unbearable, I looked around and there was a plane about to hit me. I tripped and the plane went off into the sky.
Rather mild, I suppose, but still I experienced real fright, enough to always wake me up, shouting.
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
I’ve e had a recurring dream since I was 10 or 11. Always the same. I’m a woman with dark hair wearing a cream coloured pant suit. I park my car in my driveway, go inside my house. Put my keys on the hall table to my left. In the first room on my left is a young girl sitting on the sofa. I continue down the hall to the kitchen where my husband is cooking dinner. We argue. I get mad and walk out of the house to my car. It raining and I drive off. Somehow I know her name is Monica and he is Michael Weird.
Gusman · 61-69, M
@Jenny1234 How many times a year would you have this dream?
I seemed to outgrow that nightmare which I have not had for at least 40 years now.
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
@Gusman I used to have it several times a year, maybe 6, until I was in my mid twenties. Since then it has been about once a year
I keep having a reoccurring one especially these days about being in a war (a civil one) where Melbourne was a battle field, people fighting against black soldiers. Like the ones who attacked us at the shrine (but using real rounds instead of rubbers)

Basically I was in the middle of sn open area escaping an ambush, I was hot in the left shoulder with a sniper round, next one through my head.

At the end of that same dream I wake up feeling like a plane taking off inside my head.
@Gusman I’ve always predicted since I was a Child that my life would end that way. At least if it happens now it’s not gang related lol.
Gusman · 61-69, M
@AwakeningConfession221122 Great that there are no gangs involved in your life now?
Life sometimes can overwhelm us but we seem to keep going.
@Gusman was one of the lucky ones that got out of that life, there are only two ways out for most in that life.
I had sleep paralysis nearly every night for two months once. “Waking up” unable to move, and knowing something malicious was in the room. Otherwise, I haven’t had similar nightmares.
Gusman · 61-69, M
@SW-User That must be unsettling to say the least. Unable to move upon wakening.
The condition rectified itself?
@Gusman I realized the cause and never had another issue with it again.
I wonder why your nightmare involves a plane while you’re on the ground.
Gusman · 61-69, M
@SW-User No idea why I was being pursued by a plane.
Thankfully the dream stopped and have never returned

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