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Ladies ...what would you do ...

Your significant other calls you a disgusting abusive name.
Unprovoked. You aren't even arguing. ...
If one's significant other does that when unprovoked, what happens when they are actually provoked?

Red flag🚩

Show him the door. No space in my life for someone that unstable.
Tumbleweed · F
Nope. Get out while you still can. There's something deep and dangerous about people like that.
LadyBronte · 56-60, F
Walk off. Talking is useless. If they actually cared about the disrespect, they wouldn't have said it to begin with. Been there, done that. Won't do it anymore. If you let them get away with it, they'll continue.
That's behavior that's leading to much worse. What if the person ever feels provoked? I'd use caution
PotsaLuck · M
Why would anyone call their significant other a disgusting, abusive name for no reason at all? I never heard of such a thing.
PotsaLuck · M
@AnnabelleLeigh Only from whiney, hyper sensitive little drama queens on social media. In real life, nah, not so much.

@PotsaLuck Look at you on a post directed towards women. Calling people names and then blocks me . Admins you watching him ?
@PotsaLuck oh, I have.
deadteddy · 26-30, F
Like the B word? I’d be mad.
@deadteddy Worse.
Those would be the last words they would say
Nayla · 56-60, F
Is his mental disorder causing splitting?
LemonWorld · F
I'd tell him not to mistake me for his mother
Shybutwilling2 · 61-69, FNew
Id tell them that was wrong.
NeuroticByNature · 41-45, F
Ask him if he needs a brain scan.
I would have his head examined.
They'd have some serious explaining to do...
candycane · 31-35, F
I laugh and tell him I'm going to see my new boyfriend and I leave

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