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When was the last time you exceeded expectations?

Adogslife · 61-69, M
Of others, every time I step in the ring. Younger people are always fooled by the cardio and skill of someone that’s a gray haired 64 year old.
SeaGlass · F
Not sure, really. It's been par for the course for some time now
@SeaGlass Same here really. Just motoring a long!
SeaGlass · F
@Ozymandiaz At least we're not in retrograde 😌
I got up 5 minutes early today 👍
@DrawntoaDistance Good work 👍
I exceed my own expectations daily.
Apparently all year, so my performance management meeting went...

So being rewarded with more work 🙄
MethDozer · M
When I swam past my mother's diaphragm

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