5 planets will align in June: When and where to see the rare and spectacular sight.
The skies are giving us a rare and stunning sight this month, as a five-planet planetary parade will be visible in June of 2022. The parade of planets will include Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, all in that order. They’ll be visible throughout the sky from lower in the east to higher in the south.
The June planetary parade will be visible starting early in the month, according to Sky and Telescope. The parade will continue throughout the month, with the five planets moving a bit closer each day.
The June planetary parade will continue to be visible throughout the entire month. However, the best day to get a look at things will come on June 24. That morning, the lineup will be even more compelling thanks to a waning crescent Moon positioned between Mars and Venus.
Ultimately, your best bet for viewing this parade is to head out early in the morning, before the Sun is too high in the sky. As the Sun rises higher, the light from its rays will wash out the visibility of certain planets, such as Mercury. You may still be able to see some of the others, but you won’t get the full effect.