when the world gives you snowflakes, build a snowman.
wilderflower · F
Sounds like you’re being triggered.
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wilderflower · F
@comicdeath You wanted something or else you wouldn’t have posted.
comicdeath · 22-25, F
@wilderflower I wanted to express my annoyance then
wilderflower · F
@comicdeath Point taken.
Lackwittyname · M
I tend to just ignore it, if you do not engage they have nothing to come back with. If one persists a simple block or eye roll emoji
I’d just block her and keep it moving. 🤷♀️

Someone was trying their best to troll me. I just replied saying “ok boomer” and they blocked me. Good riddance.
@SW-User That’s kind of funny. lol

He went nuts too lol@JustGoneNow
@SW-User Well. You were kind of calling him old... but it sounds like he started it anyways.
Keeper · M
The world is ending soon, so it doesn't really matter to her..
AkAtSUki · F
delete her comment, and move on?
if it persists, report as harassing and block?
I'm assuming drama avoidance is the goal as previously stated.
if it persists, report as harassing and block?
I'm assuming drama avoidance is the goal as previously stated.
Tracos · 51-55, M
thats what the block is for
comicdeath · 22-25, F
@Tracos What would I do with that person anyway🤷
Tracos · 51-55, M
@comicdeath now you will never find out ;)
comicdeath · 22-25, F
@Tracos too much internet for today xD
Thodsis · 51-55, M
It will soon be Spring.