oddly specific...
ohreally · 61-69, M
@SW-User As in..? not sure if you're wishing to probe further into my question or what.
lilida · 22-25, F
I simply dont understand this obsection with navels
ohreally · 61-69, M
@lilida If you have to ask..you never will. I could go into a psyco sematic taunt but that is not quite fitting here. It boils down to personal taste in regards to personal whims. Just sayin..we are individuals, each with our on turn ons. I do appreciate the comment. If more are subject to at least question perhaps the world would be in better shape.
ohreally · 61-69, M
@lilida Aside from the obvious T & A of a woman's body- many find the female torso region quite sexy--the bikini....a prime example. The navel-a sort of orifice- can be the focal point of those torsos. Belly dancing, navel piercing etc etc...There is much more to explore on the topic but I don't wish to pound any one with details unless they ask. Again- thanks for the reply.