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gmgun · 36-40, M
No. Don't be a pretentious prick.

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@Kingfish28 I might be have to have my people call your people to see about a potential intellectual property arrangement in the near future. That has 'pizzazz'! I like it!
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@Kingfish28 Sounds good. *Shoots finger gun, winks, and makes obligatory clicking sound*
zeeva70 · F
Absolutely! People often look for ways to deminish others. A ton of work went into achieving that goal so unless I specifically asked someone not to, it's Doctor Zeeva!
No! That is so........snobby? "You will refer to me as 'councilperson' so and so." I hate it when people say stupid crap like that!
SweetMae · 70-79, F
I know many Drs that insist on the title. Just like military members insist on being addressed by rank.
No. I dont see the point of titles, I'd prefer people just call me by my name.
luv2fly352 · 70-79, M
No,i would not correct them nor would i get annoyed.
@luv2fly352 They should have formal titles for 'not so prestigious' people too! Like "Douchebag" .
"Doctor Smith. Have you met Douchebag Haraldsson.? He recently arrived here from Seattle. " or maybe something more defining like "Menialtaskperson" " Judy, could you call Menialtaskpserson Henderson in material management and acquisition, I seem to have gotten these files completely out of order."
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
Just don't call me late for dinner. [symbol crash]
It will be Dr in 4 years so hell yeah!

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