Nuno gives u lifetime VIP and a nude
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@PepsiColaP One of Nuno’s famous nudes? I’m in! Is there a limit to how many times I can verify?

@PepsiColaP i did, simp

@MisterMxyzptlk once per quarter

No perks, just a potential act of goodwill.

Fewer people questioning your age and gender.
@SW-User Yeah, but I already claim to be a 40 year old man. It would be funny if I were actually a 20 year old lesbian reverse catfishing.
DavidT8899 · 22-25, M
I know it's not related to your question,but I have to ask:if someone gets you to say/write your name backwards,do you return to your home dimension?🤔
@DavidT8899 That is the rules.
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DavidT8899 · 22-25, M
@MisterMxyzptlk I hope you didn't vanish!Who would be around to trouble Superman?
Nope cuz ive been catfished by "verified" accounts they just get verified and then they change all their info even from M to F tbh it makes SW more dangerous
@TryingtoLava The lengths people will go to just to lie.
Havesomefun2 · 56-60, M
Not that I know of
MrGomco · 36-40, M
HannahSky · F
Lostpoet · M
People stop calling you a catfish
@Lostpoet Yeah, but I’m a 40 year old man. No one’s pretending to be that. 😂
YoMomma ·
Just vanity?
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@allygator18 You had me at free alcohol.

Extra dick pics