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Do you regret trying to get close to someone on SW?

I do, it was a bad mistake and I never learn but I think the last encounter taught me a BIG lesson. 😂😂🫤🥺🥺😱😱😱🤕🤕😑😑
No, I have absolutely no regrets. In fact I am happy about it, no matter how it ended.
@SW-User I don't like being backstabbed or ridiculed. That is not at all what I imply. But when we keep attracting people who backstab and ridicule, it is something within us that does that.
And for me that lesson is more important than feeling upset and regretful about what others do. They only did what I allowed.
@SW-User I allowed it because I trusted them more than I should have. I was too kind. Sadly, we need to protect ourselves first and foremost before we befriend others.
@SW-User yes we need to.
I regret who I have trusted and who I have wasted hours of time with…but that’s the internet for you
That’s me exactly. 🫤@SW-User
@SW-User lessons have been learned
That’s true but if the outcome wasn’t soo bad it would be better for us. Wasting time on someone that doesn’t appreciate you takes a toll. Anyway, we can move on and stay positive. @SW-User
nah maybe im paranoid but this is why i don't like being close to anyone lol
You’re not paranoid, you are smart. Lol @SW-User
@SW-User idk i see ppl around me having close friends or romance and feel like im missing out sometimes lol
@SW-User you can have that offline where you can actually know and see the real person not his posts.
I think I have a pretty good judge of character on here and therefore, I’m only really close with maybe two people on here and even then I’m always cautious especially on here than anywhere else because of what I’ve seen throughout the years on this site. Strictly online relationships platonic or not are tricky. You never really know who you’re dealing with I think until possibly you meet them. Then you have a better idea people act very different online than offline.
I like your thinking. You are 100% correct about all you explained. You can’t ever know the person on here 100%. You’re lucky if you can trust a very few only 50% of the way. It’s better safe than sorry. There’s a lot of people with mental issues on here that can’t even control their actions so how can you trust ? @Stark
Anotherlifeform · 100+, F
No regrets, but I’m definitely glad some things are in the past.
@Anotherlifeform that doesn’t mean you won’t encounter it in the future.
shanec · 41-45, M
On here? no! I'm not a regular here, but how close can you get to someone online anyway?? can you ever properly know them ?
exchrist · 31-35
No regrets only reality
TheLordOfHell · 41-45
Hmm 🤔 Tag! You're it!
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I do for sure

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