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I Did Something I Regret

Okay, confession time.

Back in high school, we had this introvert classmate. In hindsight I known that she was a legitimately good person, spending her free time to explain maths and stuff to the slower students and always smiling to everybody. But at the time, we were popular and bored, so we started bullying her. She really wasn't particularly pretty, not ugly tho, kinda like a wallflower type of girl. Also she had this annoying high-pitched voice, of course thats wasnt her fault, but it made her an easy target. I guess we did it just because we could, because she was there. It started with small things, mean rumours and nasty remarks. After a while, it got more out of hand, like inventing stuff that's supposedly been missing and blaming her. Eventually some of the popular guys joined in and carried it even further. One time, they placed a pin on her chair before she entered the classroom. Or they would throw pencils and stuff at her during class. She broke down crying several times, but not once did we stop to ask ourselves what in the hell we were doing to her.
By the end she was completely isolated, because everbody knew to avoid her like the plague lest they would also become a target of the bullies. She started gaining a lot of weight, probably ate herself to sleep every night on ice cream or something. When graduation came around, she was totally obese. I remember noticing during the prom dance how she just stood there, awkwardly, completely alone, and left pretty soon.
Now at the time it was just a joke to my friends and me, nothing to give a second thought to. But ever since I left high school, it dawned on me what we had done to that poor person, and I feel so bad about it. So that's my confession right here, and I really regret it. But I guess you cant change the past..
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Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
Do you have a way to contact her? An apology and admission of wrongdoing go far for the mind.
Jennypher · 26-30, F
@Jackaloftheazuresand Yeah I should have included the entire statement right away as well. I hoped to get a conversation started and apologize then, but maybe I underestimated how deep the hurt goes
Madelenie · 26-30, F
@Jennypher maybe make a new account and do that?
@Jennypher I know you tried but somethings "sorry" just does not cut it and to her she probably has no interest in making you feel better about making her life hell.
Not going to lie, probably a low act but respect for taking a stand and admitting your serious flaw. I was bullied at school, one guy came up to me and apologised, then we had a laugh about it and now we're good mates. But he lives interstate so it's hard to catch up frequently.
accepting that you feel sorry for what you did is the first step to embracing a better you - but that's just the first bit

i'd suggest you try contacting her - since you have held on to this for so long, i am sure you'll feel better about it once you do - not because for you but because i know you still worry about how she is - it's never too late and i am sure in this case you haven't burnt bridges

it might actually make her happy to see someone who remembers her from school
Jennypher · 26-30, F
@SW-User Well I tried contacting her, but at first I didnt have the guts to acknowledge it or apologize, then I wrote her a message but she never replied, and now I think she blocked me..
@Jennypher i guess she probably doesn't wanna talk then :/
Jennypher · 26-30, F
Yeah it seems so.. :(
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
No, you can't... But you can learn from it and pay it forward by helping someone else

And don't beat yourself up too much over... Youth is a time for learning ... I think you've done that ...
Newandimproved · 61-69, M
not your finest moment.
high school brings out the animal in so many of us.
Joey59 · 61-69, M
Understanding you did wrong is a first step to recovery. Also remember you too were young then and still socially undeveloped. Don't beat yourself up.
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firefall · 61-69, M
you could try to find her, apologize, make amends, maybe?
5thApprentice · 31-35, M
That poor girl.
teebone4889 · 51-55, M
i did the same thing ...... and i too think about it. and that happened like 30 years ago ...
At least you recognize you messed up. Would you have been in trouble at home if they had found out?
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Sorcha · 31-35, F
For a second there, I thought you were describing me, "introverted, explained things to other classmates, high-pitched voice". And I thought, hold on, is this my classmate back in high school?! Ahahaha, then I went on and read further, nahhh. I wasn't bullied that bad. Anyway, we're all pieces of shit at some point of our lives. I think that since we can't do anything about the past, our response right now is what matters. If you want to make amends, you need to make extra effort. Good luck to you and to your journey towards reconciliation. :)
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
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bearinthebigbluehouse · 26-30, M
Can relate... Used to always make fun of this dude with mental issues back in middle school......... Although I did find him on facebook a few years ago and said sorry for what I did.... He said he got over it and it was just playground bullshit so..... Eh.... Successful end? ┬┴┬┴┤•ᴥ•ʔ
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bearinthebigbluehouse · 26-30, M
@GOODbad Uh.. Well... He's doing better than I ever did at life... And I did get totally shit on when I moved school and had to drop out.... So I'd say I got what I deserved. ᶘ ͡°ᴥ͡ °ᶅ/
You and your friends are nothing but scum!! Really the lowest form of life. I spent most of my school life being terrorized by bullies. I got so bad that by the time I was 14, I'd been in hospital 6 times as a direct result. 4 times where due to the beatings and twice after suicide attempts. They say that time is a healer, that's utter crap. Almost 30 years after my school life ended, I'm still suffering. I suffer from the most horrific depression and agoraphobia. I've not been able to leave my house for 15 years. I'm told I suffer from a condition almost identical to PTSD, and I get told to move on and forget! How can I move on when every day I see the scars on my face looking back at me in the mirror and remember how I got them. How can I move on when every day I see the deep scars on my wrists, and remember the chain of events that led to them??

It's no wonder the poor girl blocked you, she doesn't need reminding of the hell you and your friends put her through.

I'm sure that you're enjoying a wonderful life, full of hope and joy, while your victim is probably still going through hell. I find it amazing that you decide to write a confession here, do you think that it makes it all better, and rescinds you of your actions?? Guess again. The damage is already done.
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Thanks for sharing this. You are very honest, a lot more honest than the idiots who have written critical comments. I was quite shocked at what we can do to people. Must try and be kinder to some of the left out girls at school.
AnarchoMetalchic · 41-45
I wouldn't make any excuses such as, "Oh you were young; You were immature, etc." You knew right from wrong, and you knew what you were doing was wrong. Point blank. I would search her out and apologize for being a dick.
You are very evil and so were your classmates , you guys will be facing the punishment for this at any time in this life. You jerks!
You and your friends are disgusting pieces of shit. Your insecurity and need to make yourselves feel superior by bullying an easy target makes me sick. In fact it makes me understand why columbine happened. I hope karma serves you all in spades. 😡 Your black souls deserve penance for breaking a soul like that that did not deserve it.

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