What has made you feel the angriest you've ever been in your life?
I recently had a falling out with a friend that made me experience true unbridled rage for the first time in my life. I'm wondering what events have set you guys off. I get angry with myself whenver I'm not the best at something. Anybody else feel this way?
I hate it and I'm trying to stop it but I don't know how.
What's the angriest you've ever been and what made you so angry?
If someone is better than me I become upset at myself. It applies to being the smartest, most attractive, most likable, most popular...pretty much anything I'm not the best at I become jealous and feel inferior.
How do you cope when you are angry at yourself? Have you ever been angry as in batshit insane angry that you almost killed someone?
Can anybody else relate to this? How do I stop being angry at my past self?
I’ve had social anxiety for most of my life, however the past few months I’ve been working on self-love & self-acceptance, and I can finally say that my anxiety is at a manageable level. I have some friends, I’m better at my job, however sometimes I’ll get these short moments of anger and irritation that I wasted so much of my life away living in fear of what others think of me. I’m mad that I made myself so lonely, that I’m behind on dating, that I don’t have as many friends as I could have had if I didn’t have anxiety. I don’t know how to stop focusing on these negative emotions, but I feel that I would be a better version of myself if I stopped being so angry at my past self. Any advice? 💕 How can you stop getting angry at yourself for being incompetent? How do you stop being mad at yourself? Have you ever been so angry you've "seen red" and had no control over your actions? What happened? I know the things that I believe need to change are out of my power, so I shouldn’t worry about them, express emotions about them, but I’m struggling. It’s difficult to focus on myself when I watch the world around me burn. I think it saps my hope, and I have days when I think “what’s the point of even trying, my hard work will be wasted when it all falls apart”. Should I just ignore the world altogether, come to accept the fact there’s nothing I can do, or try to do the little things I can to change the little bubble of the world I live in for the better? Or something else entirely? Pretty much what the title says... sometimes I just feel irritated at every little thing: something isn't where I left it, a webpage won't load, the way someone does something, the fact that you left a dish somewhere and now you have to pick it up, the fact it's....10pm..., sometimes just wanting to cry because people are just mean, In my mind I’m just angry 24/7. And I’m always able to contain it and I can easily act nice to other people I have no problem with that. But just my internal voice always feels mad and I constantly feel angry at myself and just everything kind of but I know I never show it which is good.
The world today isn't friendly to people like me, I live in a place growing increasingly hostile to my very existence.
I'm angry, my first instinct is to fight, to claw and bite. To make them feel fear and angst, to make them feel unsafe. But I know this just begets more fear, more suffering, more anger. It won't make me any more safe. Yet I hate feeling like I'm doing nothing, staring at the on coming train unable to move my feet from the tracks.
This doesn't feel like flowing, it feels like being a puddle with the blaze of time evaporating the water with not another rain cloud in sight.
How do you deal with it? Asking for myself.
However, the only place it shows up is with my girlfriend. I feel angry at her all the time, even when she’s done nothing wrong. I can only ever think of her negative qualities, and I constantly want to break up with her, and I don’t even feel mad or sad at the thought of her dumping me. I get frustrated with her so easily but again I know I never show it. I literally haven’t felt love towards her in months, just anger. It might be useful to add that it is a long distance relationship, and usually whenever I’m with her, or sometimes on FaceTime this anger goes away. I’ve not broken up with her yet because I truely believe all this anger is just a problem with me and not her. Why do I feel so much anger? Why is it only towards her?
I’m very susceptible and sensitive of people treating me unfairly and i can’t seem to let it go in my mind. It stops me from getting good night’s sleep at night as i constantly think about what happened and get myself worked up, thinking about how i could have acted differently to get a different outcome. But sometimes people are just assholes and you can’t help how they choose to act. Still, i’d like to get over it because it’s a recurrent problem in my life. Any advice?
Also, over the past few months I’m not sure what’s wrong with me but I’ve barely been feeling emotions. I could usually feel bad ones like jealousy and anger, but I would always “question” or doubt the happy emotions. I am kind of coming out of this now but still don’t feel happy emotions all the time.
Anyways, I was wondering with all the books that we've all read in our lives is there one that has really gotten you angry for whatever reason?
Just yesterday night I finished reading Richard Matheson's "Hell House" I bought it at a used book store for about $5. I was so absorbed by the characters and the gruesome plot that I got through the book in two days. The thing that got me angry at this one book is the ending...never have I been so angry at being let down so quickly by a sloppy conclusion with nothing put in detail and explaining how it led to the current situation that the characters had been dealing with! Argh!
I don't like being me. I don't like the way I'm born. I try to overcome my mental obstacles, but I just can't do it. No matter what I've learned, I still feel weak. I can't kill myself either because I'm too comfortable in my easy but miserable life. I'm becoming more antisocial and I get pissed off easily at people who say "life is what you make it" because they don't have one clue what it's like to be me, to have to deal with my mental problems, to cope with the injustices in life. I haven't went off the deep end yet, but sometimes I feel like running someone over just because I feel bad and want to ruin someone else's day. I know I'm a piece of shit for thinking about it, but I truly feel like being evil because lots of people are stupid, and I kind of resent their stupidity, and worse I hate myself because I'm just as stupid. Well, what you gonna do? You can only be as smart or strong as you can control. I understand it's much easier to play "poor me", as I have an actual mental disability and grew up without my mother. I try to resist it, but when times get hard, why not play the victim and hope someone helps you? Sadly, what I realized, is some people are destined to go to prison, and maybe someday I'll be dead or in prison soon, because I couldn't better myself because I found it "too hard" for me to do. I like death personally, because if I am born as a different human being in another life, I can start over and not even remember my previous life. Sure, life isn't bad all the time, but it can suck if you feel bad all the time, and slowly start to resent society in which you had no say in whether you wanted to be born in it or not. I know you will suggest: "See a therapist". Guess what? I am seeing one, and he really isn't helping me. The other ones are way more expensive. Oh well. The best thing I guess I can do if I can't stop being negative is to enjoy watching the world burn. Seriously, I am pessimistic about the future and am glad I don't have kids personally.
I hate it and I'm trying to stop it but I don't know how.
What's the angriest you've ever been and what made you so angry?
If someone is better than me I become upset at myself. It applies to being the smartest, most attractive, most likable, most popular...pretty much anything I'm not the best at I become jealous and feel inferior.
How do you cope when you are angry at yourself? Have you ever been angry as in batshit insane angry that you almost killed someone?
Can anybody else relate to this? How do I stop being angry at my past self?
I’ve had social anxiety for most of my life, however the past few months I’ve been working on self-love & self-acceptance, and I can finally say that my anxiety is at a manageable level. I have some friends, I’m better at my job, however sometimes I’ll get these short moments of anger and irritation that I wasted so much of my life away living in fear of what others think of me. I’m mad that I made myself so lonely, that I’m behind on dating, that I don’t have as many friends as I could have had if I didn’t have anxiety. I don’t know how to stop focusing on these negative emotions, but I feel that I would be a better version of myself if I stopped being so angry at my past self. Any advice? 💕 How can you stop getting angry at yourself for being incompetent? How do you stop being mad at yourself? Have you ever been so angry you've "seen red" and had no control over your actions? What happened? I know the things that I believe need to change are out of my power, so I shouldn’t worry about them, express emotions about them, but I’m struggling. It’s difficult to focus on myself when I watch the world around me burn. I think it saps my hope, and I have days when I think “what’s the point of even trying, my hard work will be wasted when it all falls apart”. Should I just ignore the world altogether, come to accept the fact there’s nothing I can do, or try to do the little things I can to change the little bubble of the world I live in for the better? Or something else entirely? Pretty much what the title says... sometimes I just feel irritated at every little thing: something isn't where I left it, a webpage won't load, the way someone does something, the fact that you left a dish somewhere and now you have to pick it up, the fact it's....10pm..., sometimes just wanting to cry because people are just mean, In my mind I’m just angry 24/7. And I’m always able to contain it and I can easily act nice to other people I have no problem with that. But just my internal voice always feels mad and I constantly feel angry at myself and just everything kind of but I know I never show it which is good.
The world today isn't friendly to people like me, I live in a place growing increasingly hostile to my very existence.
I'm angry, my first instinct is to fight, to claw and bite. To make them feel fear and angst, to make them feel unsafe. But I know this just begets more fear, more suffering, more anger. It won't make me any more safe. Yet I hate feeling like I'm doing nothing, staring at the on coming train unable to move my feet from the tracks.
This doesn't feel like flowing, it feels like being a puddle with the blaze of time evaporating the water with not another rain cloud in sight.
How do you deal with it? Asking for myself.
However, the only place it shows up is with my girlfriend. I feel angry at her all the time, even when she’s done nothing wrong. I can only ever think of her negative qualities, and I constantly want to break up with her, and I don’t even feel mad or sad at the thought of her dumping me. I get frustrated with her so easily but again I know I never show it. I literally haven’t felt love towards her in months, just anger. It might be useful to add that it is a long distance relationship, and usually whenever I’m with her, or sometimes on FaceTime this anger goes away. I’ve not broken up with her yet because I truely believe all this anger is just a problem with me and not her. Why do I feel so much anger? Why is it only towards her?
I’m very susceptible and sensitive of people treating me unfairly and i can’t seem to let it go in my mind. It stops me from getting good night’s sleep at night as i constantly think about what happened and get myself worked up, thinking about how i could have acted differently to get a different outcome. But sometimes people are just assholes and you can’t help how they choose to act. Still, i’d like to get over it because it’s a recurrent problem in my life. Any advice?
Also, over the past few months I’m not sure what’s wrong with me but I’ve barely been feeling emotions. I could usually feel bad ones like jealousy and anger, but I would always “question” or doubt the happy emotions. I am kind of coming out of this now but still don’t feel happy emotions all the time.
Anyways, I was wondering with all the books that we've all read in our lives is there one that has really gotten you angry for whatever reason?
Just yesterday night I finished reading Richard Matheson's "Hell House" I bought it at a used book store for about $5. I was so absorbed by the characters and the gruesome plot that I got through the book in two days. The thing that got me angry at this one book is the ending...never have I been so angry at being let down so quickly by a sloppy conclusion with nothing put in detail and explaining how it led to the current situation that the characters had been dealing with! Argh!
I don't like being me. I don't like the way I'm born. I try to overcome my mental obstacles, but I just can't do it. No matter what I've learned, I still feel weak. I can't kill myself either because I'm too comfortable in my easy but miserable life. I'm becoming more antisocial and I get pissed off easily at people who say "life is what you make it" because they don't have one clue what it's like to be me, to have to deal with my mental problems, to cope with the injustices in life. I haven't went off the deep end yet, but sometimes I feel like running someone over just because I feel bad and want to ruin someone else's day. I know I'm a piece of shit for thinking about it, but I truly feel like being evil because lots of people are stupid, and I kind of resent their stupidity, and worse I hate myself because I'm just as stupid. Well, what you gonna do? You can only be as smart or strong as you can control. I understand it's much easier to play "poor me", as I have an actual mental disability and grew up without my mother. I try to resist it, but when times get hard, why not play the victim and hope someone helps you? Sadly, what I realized, is some people are destined to go to prison, and maybe someday I'll be dead or in prison soon, because I couldn't better myself because I found it "too hard" for me to do. I like death personally, because if I am born as a different human being in another life, I can start over and not even remember my previous life. Sure, life isn't bad all the time, but it can suck if you feel bad all the time, and slowly start to resent society in which you had no say in whether you wanted to be born in it or not. I know you will suggest: "See a therapist". Guess what? I am seeing one, and he really isn't helping me. The other ones are way more expensive. Oh well. The best thing I guess I can do if I can't stop being negative is to enjoy watching the world burn. Seriously, I am pessimistic about the future and am glad I don't have kids personally.