Are you excited for anything?
Anyone else not getting excited for anything anymore?
I used to be all over movies, tv shows and music. And even though my interests haven't changed, I feel i'm not getting excited for anything. For the last two years or so, I stopped getting excited for the holidays, or any albums or movies i'm waiting for. They're just like "meh" now.. Like i'm not passionate about anything anymore, and everything feels like killing time. Also my energy to do anything became terribly low in this past year. I'm only 18 so i don't suspect "Aging" or anything.
Anyone else feeling this way? Not excited for anything whatsoever? It may be an odd triggering even for this crisis of thought, but I was watching the Harry Potter 20th Anniversary reunion and memories came flooding back of how eagerly I anticipated those next books. I would wait in line for their release and spend nights up reading because I couldn't wait to see what the next chapter had in store. I use to be so excited for each NYE, knowing it would bring about uninhibited and unpredictable memories. I was excited for each night out, for the people I'd meet and the hijinks we would inevitably find ourselves in. I was excited to see friends, to talk and laugh, and to relish in the company of others. I don't feel they anymore. Every day seems like a blur of anxiety and desperation. My mind is so clouded from exhaustion that it does not have the capacity to feel excited, let alone take in and appreciate the moments in the day. I feel like that sense of anticipation and astonishment has left me, leaving an emotional flatline. I just want to feel excited again. I mean I have bipolar and adhd and know depression can do this, but sometimes it’s hard to tell. I really noticed this happen to me since the pandemic started. Maybe it’s just the weight of the global struggle but I don’t get excited for things anymore. Literally in the last year and a half the last time I got close to excited was when I finally got my credit score up after repairing it for years and got approved for a top tier credit card. It was short lived and then faded within a day. I used to love travel and get excited but now I’m just like “meh.” It feels like a process and I get exhausted thinking about it. I used to care about my career but at 28 a lot of my ambition is gone. I’m ambitious enough to want to move to better after 3 years but I don’t care about putting my whole life into building some fancy prestigious career anymore. I just got a job offer that I would have killed for 3 years ago but I’m just “meh.” I miss that excitement I would get just to travel, see my savings grow, advance my career. I don’t know if this is just adulthood, the pandemic, or silent depression breaking through treatment but it sucks. Most days I wish I were rich and could just do hobbies. Travel when I want to. Try to be healthier. Maybe I’m just becoming disillusioned to the reality of working for the rest of your life and none of it really mattering. But that doesn’t explain me not being excited about other things too. I’m still able to do hobbies and enjoy them so it doesn’t seem like depression. Does anyone else feel this way? Do you find it hard to get excited about anything? In a sense I am depressed. But I eat well, sleep well. The thing is recently I can't stop thinking about how everything works. I mean I wake up go to work, earn money. Go home, spend money. Go to work. Etc. In the past I have done many crazy exciting things. Moved, made a living from freediving and fishing. Nearly got killed, lived with the poor, guns, sharks you name it. It was cool. Now I live a normal life with a job, recently bought a fast car, I'm debt free in 3 months if I keep working. All is seemingly well. But I am incredibly bored and sad. I wake up every day thinking I might as well be dead. I don't have any friends here because I just can't relate to them after my life in the "shits", I sometimes hope a crisis will occur or something that requires me to be 100%. I have no ability to self motivate. I don't know what to do. My doctor gave me meds. And I tried them. But they just give me the ability to accept my work, they don't make me content or happy. I feel like the world I live in, in the civilized world is a scam. I am a modern day slave, grinding to pay taxes, to appear successful. To not be a loser and to not bring shame to my family. Real values such as being nice, considerate, respectful are worth less than money. What is the point? Have I lived so much that I can't get excited again? I don't expect anyone to reply to this. Other people here need your valuable time much more than me. Please look after them. I'm not sad or upset or have any desire for self harm, very far from it. I just don't have anything that makes me happy or excited anymore. I don't look forward to doing anything or going anywhere anymore like I used to. This started about 8 months ago but I can't really recall when exactly. What is going on with me? Nothing seems to give me pleasure anymore - money, sex, alcohol, music, traveling. I'm 50 and don't do any drugs. I work in my small business (13 years now) with my wife and a few employees. I used to really enjoy working here but even that has changed. Nothing major has changed in my life, I'm not super healthy but I do try to eat right and exercise 4-5 times a week to improve. I told my wife this last night and she said everything will be fine. Not exactly the answer I was looking for from her, hence my reason posting here. Maybe it's just she can't relate so she can't help I don't know. I am going to talk to my doctor soon, too. Anyone else here have this feeling? Kind of like just going through the motions of life without any enjoyment? I don’t know why but I just can’t seem to take any interest in anything or just enjoy life like I used to when I was a kid. I’m a 17 year old and I’m suppose to be enjoying life and enjoying my youth, but I just can’t find any activity I do to make me happy inside. It feels like everyday I just drift along where the wind takes me and I feel like a shell of who I once was. I don’t have any goals in life anymore, I don’t have any interest in anyone or anything anymore, and all I do is sit around and play video games so the day could end faster. I no longer interact with my friends like how I used to nor do I really put in the effort to make new friends. It’s been like this for a long time and I feel like at this point I’m just living for the sake of what people want out of me. At this point I really don’t even know why I’m still here. I contemplate a lot about dying and what might happen afterwards and on some occasions I’ll just cut myself for the sake of cutting myself. I don’t know what’s wrong me, and I don’t know anymore honestly. My life is “perfect” in that I have a wonderful apartment decorated cutely, an adorable dog, a lovely boyfriend, a loving family, friends, a good job, interesting hobbies, etc and all are good expressions of me. I exercise 4-5 days a week. I volunteer as an emt/firefighter, I paint commissions, I started taking a ceramics class, I play piano. But honestly it all feels like a chore. I force myself to do these things because I know if I don’t I’ll lay around and do nothing and that won’t feel good. When I paint, for example, it takes my mind off feeling apathy or sometimes sadness. But once I stop painting, the feelings come back.
Sometimes I just wonder what’s the point? I went to a 4th of July party with some friends I haven’t seen in a long time because of the pandemic. Normally I get excited for this party but I just didn’t care. I’m tired all the time and need to sleep a lot. Lately I’ve been drinking more alcohol to cope, which I know is bad and I’m regulating, but sometimes I do it because I know I’ll feel a little alive with a small buzz. I’m just kind of going through the motions. I have a therapist who makes me feel dumb for feeling sad for no reason. She has a real reason (her husband died) and I don’t so I kind of wonder what the hell is wrong with me? I’ve read self help books like Eckhart Tolle and others, tried microdosing mushrooms which I think made things worse? And been to the doctor to do blood work. It’s normal. Sometimes I worry I have cancer because I have intense pain and bleeding during sex over the past 6 months, but two gynos say I’m fine. I feel lonely all the time. I know you internet strangers can’t really help me, but I just felt like writing it out. Mostly since going to college four years ago, I guess that's when I started feeling crappier about life. I know this happens for a lot of people, but I feel like even when life doesn't seem that bad to me I can't get legitimately excited. Like I always feel like I have to fake enthusiasm to an extent to match everyone else's - whether I'm feeling down or not. I almost feel self conscious when I show enthusiasm, because I'm trying to make it sound sincere. And I hate that. When I'm with friends I am often the funny and weird one, but on and off I get self conscious about my role in my friend groups. Maybe I've just become an insecure pessimist, and I've always got my insecurities in the back of my mind while also anticipating the worst. Can anyone relate to any of this? How do you get excited about your life when things aren't all that exciting?
What if you should be excited but you're just not feeling it? Why do I feel like I can't get excited for anything anymore, and is it normal that at 16 I have no hobbies, passions or anything to do besides playing video games? I am writing this because I know there is lot of people, especially males in 20y-30y (like me) who struggle with finding meaning of their life and feel often kinda bored/nihilistics/useless and don't really have motivation to think positive about their life. I know this will sound absolutely simple and obvious but it helped me A LOT and while it is always ongoing process I invite you to really try this: LEARN A NEW HOBBY OR SKILL - no matter how silly or hard it seems, go for it. More unique, the better. For example I picked up inline skating even though I always sucked on ice skates. None of my friends skated. But I was curious about it, started working on it and hey, I might be not the best skater in the world but I love it and it fills my head a lot thinking about it. It is something I look forward to and if I would start obssesing about some negative thoughs, I redirect myself into obsessing about my skates - how could I get better, more unique, cool? And you know the best thing about learning new hobby? You will meet similary passionate people and they even can become your friends. Because you can talk about your hobby first and it won't be awkard but smooth as silk. You will naturally get confidence from this because if you managed to get better at something you sucked at first, why couldn't you improve something else in your life? Well you can and there is more in you then you think. And for inspiration, if there are people who learned something new recently, what was it? I'll start by saying this is a big topic with my therapist, and I'm aware some of it stems from a root of depression.
Basically I have a big problem being excited about life, and having goals, wants, and desires. I tend to live day-to-day, in a pretty set routine, and end up having to find things to fill my free time between work and sleep. I have a good amount of hobbies - running, sewing, baking, bowling, recently picked up some video games. The problem is I feel like I'm using these hobbies to just take up space in my day rather than truly enjoying them and being excited about them. For example, I'll go for a run not because I want to, but because I know it will take up an hour in my evening and get me one step closer to the day ending. This is affecting me strongly now because I recently had a short but strong relationship kick off, with someone that I've had feelings for for a very long time and was something I really wanted. Without going into unnecessary details, it finally manifested and seemed like it was going to be possible, he felt the same way, and for the first time in awhile I found I was excited to get up, excited to go about the day, had something to look forward to, and something I really wanted. It was like something lit up in me and proved the capacity for excitement and want is there. The relationship then had to end for various reasons (i assume details aren't important here but if they're relevant I can expand) and aside from obviously being deeply upset about the loss of it, I find I'm more scared to go back to a place where I'm not excited about much, and have no desire for much in life. How do I get that same fire I felt in myself during that relationship in day-to-day life on my own? Is this something others are able to do? I'm scared of being aimless and indifferent towards life again. Last year I had an achievement that nothing in the near future will match. The reaction to it was a bit of a let down and made me feel like achieving things aren’t even that great because I already know what it feels like, and the feeling isn’t that amazing. Today I got the internship I wanted. I took the call, accepted it but didn’t even feel excited or tell anyone about it. I forgot about it. I haven’t even smiled about it, smiling feels weird. Whenever I got something, even something small like a random, small award at school, I used to feel so damn excited and think about it for the rest of the day and feel pride. When I got home if I was alone, I’d literally jump around while smiling to get the energy and excitement out. This wasn’t even that long ago. I feel like the only way to feel proud or excited again is if I achieve something massive and unrealistic like becoming a billionaire or famous, which could be because I’m always thinking about these unrealistic “goals”. I feel like I’m losing an enthusiastic, excited part of myself, and the motivation to achieve things and it makes me sad. Does your mind get really excited for no reason? Occasionally, my mind just get so excited for no reason. There are random things pop into my mind and I cant really concerntrate on anything. It's not a bad feeling, I'm just curious is it only me? I enjoy having things to look forward to, probably even more than the actual event. But lately I find I try not to think too hard about an upcoming vacation, or a plan to spend time with someone, because I get so down if it doesn’t work out. Or if it happens but it’s not as great as I thought. When I was younger, I used to spend a lot of time daydreaming about things and they always fell short of my expectations. Now I try to manage my expectations but I’m afraid that instead of “managing” them, it’s more “choking them to death.” Anyone else have trouble balancing expectations with reality? As I get older (I'm late 20's), life is getting more and more bland. Everything used to be more exciting a few years back. Exploring a new place, reading a new book, that feeling of rush and excitement when meeting someone new and getting intimate with them. I feel like that feeling is non-existent these days. I hate it, and I don't even feel like talking to anybody or connecting with anybody anymore. 35, male, great partner, good job, healthy, financially stable, yet nothing interests me. I've become a soulless zombie. I work in a growing industry in tech, I'm doing well, I love my partner, we have a great home but I seem to have lost the ability to feel the emotions of life. Nothing makes me excited but on a plus, nothing really worries me, it's like I've lost my zest for life. I have had a hard life in the past and now I feel like now all the pressure of basic human necessity has been removed, I don't know how to enjoy normal life. I just wanted to see if middle age causes this type of emotional plateau or whether I may need some mental biggest worry is that now I'm fully "adult" I'm just a joyless bastard. If I’m being completely honest here, even though I used to be a big enough fan of the show to actually write fanfiction about it, I have lost a lot of interest. I know that the season has taken a long time bc of the pandemic, I know that. But it’s tough to actually be patient at this point, I mean I’m 16 and feel like I have just changed so much since I first saw the show (I first saw this show in spring 2017, when I would have been about 11 or 12.) I used to be obsessed w the 80s bc of this show and now I’ve honestly moved on to the 90s, bc it rlly has been that long. I’m not trying to knock the show, it’s j hard for me to personally maintain interest. I have lost the ability to be "excited" about anything. And what I mean by excited, exactly, is that I no longer have the feeling of any active, joyful anticipation like I had when I was younger. Other than a few short instances in the past few months that would have to fall under the label of excitement, I haven't had that feeling for a very long time. A perfect example of this would be like waking up on Christmas morning and getting out of bed only for your coffee like it was any other morning. Don't get me wrong, I still have things that I can look forward to, but I am not excited for any of them the same way that I used to jump up and down for things back then. Have any of you experienced this feeling (or absence thereof)?
I used to be all over movies, tv shows and music. And even though my interests haven't changed, I feel i'm not getting excited for anything. For the last two years or so, I stopped getting excited for the holidays, or any albums or movies i'm waiting for. They're just like "meh" now.. Like i'm not passionate about anything anymore, and everything feels like killing time. Also my energy to do anything became terribly low in this past year. I'm only 18 so i don't suspect "Aging" or anything.
Anyone else feeling this way? Not excited for anything whatsoever? It may be an odd triggering even for this crisis of thought, but I was watching the Harry Potter 20th Anniversary reunion and memories came flooding back of how eagerly I anticipated those next books. I would wait in line for their release and spend nights up reading because I couldn't wait to see what the next chapter had in store. I use to be so excited for each NYE, knowing it would bring about uninhibited and unpredictable memories. I was excited for each night out, for the people I'd meet and the hijinks we would inevitably find ourselves in. I was excited to see friends, to talk and laugh, and to relish in the company of others. I don't feel they anymore. Every day seems like a blur of anxiety and desperation. My mind is so clouded from exhaustion that it does not have the capacity to feel excited, let alone take in and appreciate the moments in the day. I feel like that sense of anticipation and astonishment has left me, leaving an emotional flatline. I just want to feel excited again. I mean I have bipolar and adhd and know depression can do this, but sometimes it’s hard to tell. I really noticed this happen to me since the pandemic started. Maybe it’s just the weight of the global struggle but I don’t get excited for things anymore. Literally in the last year and a half the last time I got close to excited was when I finally got my credit score up after repairing it for years and got approved for a top tier credit card. It was short lived and then faded within a day. I used to love travel and get excited but now I’m just like “meh.” It feels like a process and I get exhausted thinking about it. I used to care about my career but at 28 a lot of my ambition is gone. I’m ambitious enough to want to move to better after 3 years but I don’t care about putting my whole life into building some fancy prestigious career anymore. I just got a job offer that I would have killed for 3 years ago but I’m just “meh.” I miss that excitement I would get just to travel, see my savings grow, advance my career. I don’t know if this is just adulthood, the pandemic, or silent depression breaking through treatment but it sucks. Most days I wish I were rich and could just do hobbies. Travel when I want to. Try to be healthier. Maybe I’m just becoming disillusioned to the reality of working for the rest of your life and none of it really mattering. But that doesn’t explain me not being excited about other things too. I’m still able to do hobbies and enjoy them so it doesn’t seem like depression. Does anyone else feel this way? Do you find it hard to get excited about anything? In a sense I am depressed. But I eat well, sleep well. The thing is recently I can't stop thinking about how everything works. I mean I wake up go to work, earn money. Go home, spend money. Go to work. Etc. In the past I have done many crazy exciting things. Moved, made a living from freediving and fishing. Nearly got killed, lived with the poor, guns, sharks you name it. It was cool. Now I live a normal life with a job, recently bought a fast car, I'm debt free in 3 months if I keep working. All is seemingly well. But I am incredibly bored and sad. I wake up every day thinking I might as well be dead. I don't have any friends here because I just can't relate to them after my life in the "shits", I sometimes hope a crisis will occur or something that requires me to be 100%. I have no ability to self motivate. I don't know what to do. My doctor gave me meds. And I tried them. But they just give me the ability to accept my work, they don't make me content or happy. I feel like the world I live in, in the civilized world is a scam. I am a modern day slave, grinding to pay taxes, to appear successful. To not be a loser and to not bring shame to my family. Real values such as being nice, considerate, respectful are worth less than money. What is the point? Have I lived so much that I can't get excited again? I don't expect anyone to reply to this. Other people here need your valuable time much more than me. Please look after them. I'm not sad or upset or have any desire for self harm, very far from it. I just don't have anything that makes me happy or excited anymore. I don't look forward to doing anything or going anywhere anymore like I used to. This started about 8 months ago but I can't really recall when exactly. What is going on with me? Nothing seems to give me pleasure anymore - money, sex, alcohol, music, traveling. I'm 50 and don't do any drugs. I work in my small business (13 years now) with my wife and a few employees. I used to really enjoy working here but even that has changed. Nothing major has changed in my life, I'm not super healthy but I do try to eat right and exercise 4-5 times a week to improve. I told my wife this last night and she said everything will be fine. Not exactly the answer I was looking for from her, hence my reason posting here. Maybe it's just she can't relate so she can't help I don't know. I am going to talk to my doctor soon, too. Anyone else here have this feeling? Kind of like just going through the motions of life without any enjoyment? I don’t know why but I just can’t seem to take any interest in anything or just enjoy life like I used to when I was a kid. I’m a 17 year old and I’m suppose to be enjoying life and enjoying my youth, but I just can’t find any activity I do to make me happy inside. It feels like everyday I just drift along where the wind takes me and I feel like a shell of who I once was. I don’t have any goals in life anymore, I don’t have any interest in anyone or anything anymore, and all I do is sit around and play video games so the day could end faster. I no longer interact with my friends like how I used to nor do I really put in the effort to make new friends. It’s been like this for a long time and I feel like at this point I’m just living for the sake of what people want out of me. At this point I really don’t even know why I’m still here. I contemplate a lot about dying and what might happen afterwards and on some occasions I’ll just cut myself for the sake of cutting myself. I don’t know what’s wrong me, and I don’t know anymore honestly. My life is “perfect” in that I have a wonderful apartment decorated cutely, an adorable dog, a lovely boyfriend, a loving family, friends, a good job, interesting hobbies, etc and all are good expressions of me. I exercise 4-5 days a week. I volunteer as an emt/firefighter, I paint commissions, I started taking a ceramics class, I play piano. But honestly it all feels like a chore. I force myself to do these things because I know if I don’t I’ll lay around and do nothing and that won’t feel good. When I paint, for example, it takes my mind off feeling apathy or sometimes sadness. But once I stop painting, the feelings come back.
Sometimes I just wonder what’s the point? I went to a 4th of July party with some friends I haven’t seen in a long time because of the pandemic. Normally I get excited for this party but I just didn’t care. I’m tired all the time and need to sleep a lot. Lately I’ve been drinking more alcohol to cope, which I know is bad and I’m regulating, but sometimes I do it because I know I’ll feel a little alive with a small buzz. I’m just kind of going through the motions. I have a therapist who makes me feel dumb for feeling sad for no reason. She has a real reason (her husband died) and I don’t so I kind of wonder what the hell is wrong with me? I’ve read self help books like Eckhart Tolle and others, tried microdosing mushrooms which I think made things worse? And been to the doctor to do blood work. It’s normal. Sometimes I worry I have cancer because I have intense pain and bleeding during sex over the past 6 months, but two gynos say I’m fine. I feel lonely all the time. I know you internet strangers can’t really help me, but I just felt like writing it out. Mostly since going to college four years ago, I guess that's when I started feeling crappier about life. I know this happens for a lot of people, but I feel like even when life doesn't seem that bad to me I can't get legitimately excited. Like I always feel like I have to fake enthusiasm to an extent to match everyone else's - whether I'm feeling down or not. I almost feel self conscious when I show enthusiasm, because I'm trying to make it sound sincere. And I hate that. When I'm with friends I am often the funny and weird one, but on and off I get self conscious about my role in my friend groups. Maybe I've just become an insecure pessimist, and I've always got my insecurities in the back of my mind while also anticipating the worst. Can anyone relate to any of this? How do you get excited about your life when things aren't all that exciting?
What if you should be excited but you're just not feeling it? Why do I feel like I can't get excited for anything anymore, and is it normal that at 16 I have no hobbies, passions or anything to do besides playing video games? I am writing this because I know there is lot of people, especially males in 20y-30y (like me) who struggle with finding meaning of their life and feel often kinda bored/nihilistics/useless and don't really have motivation to think positive about their life. I know this will sound absolutely simple and obvious but it helped me A LOT and while it is always ongoing process I invite you to really try this: LEARN A NEW HOBBY OR SKILL - no matter how silly or hard it seems, go for it. More unique, the better. For example I picked up inline skating even though I always sucked on ice skates. None of my friends skated. But I was curious about it, started working on it and hey, I might be not the best skater in the world but I love it and it fills my head a lot thinking about it. It is something I look forward to and if I would start obssesing about some negative thoughs, I redirect myself into obsessing about my skates - how could I get better, more unique, cool? And you know the best thing about learning new hobby? You will meet similary passionate people and they even can become your friends. Because you can talk about your hobby first and it won't be awkard but smooth as silk. You will naturally get confidence from this because if you managed to get better at something you sucked at first, why couldn't you improve something else in your life? Well you can and there is more in you then you think. And for inspiration, if there are people who learned something new recently, what was it? I'll start by saying this is a big topic with my therapist, and I'm aware some of it stems from a root of depression.
Basically I have a big problem being excited about life, and having goals, wants, and desires. I tend to live day-to-day, in a pretty set routine, and end up having to find things to fill my free time between work and sleep. I have a good amount of hobbies - running, sewing, baking, bowling, recently picked up some video games. The problem is I feel like I'm using these hobbies to just take up space in my day rather than truly enjoying them and being excited about them. For example, I'll go for a run not because I want to, but because I know it will take up an hour in my evening and get me one step closer to the day ending. This is affecting me strongly now because I recently had a short but strong relationship kick off, with someone that I've had feelings for for a very long time and was something I really wanted. Without going into unnecessary details, it finally manifested and seemed like it was going to be possible, he felt the same way, and for the first time in awhile I found I was excited to get up, excited to go about the day, had something to look forward to, and something I really wanted. It was like something lit up in me and proved the capacity for excitement and want is there. The relationship then had to end for various reasons (i assume details aren't important here but if they're relevant I can expand) and aside from obviously being deeply upset about the loss of it, I find I'm more scared to go back to a place where I'm not excited about much, and have no desire for much in life. How do I get that same fire I felt in myself during that relationship in day-to-day life on my own? Is this something others are able to do? I'm scared of being aimless and indifferent towards life again. Last year I had an achievement that nothing in the near future will match. The reaction to it was a bit of a let down and made me feel like achieving things aren’t even that great because I already know what it feels like, and the feeling isn’t that amazing. Today I got the internship I wanted. I took the call, accepted it but didn’t even feel excited or tell anyone about it. I forgot about it. I haven’t even smiled about it, smiling feels weird. Whenever I got something, even something small like a random, small award at school, I used to feel so damn excited and think about it for the rest of the day and feel pride. When I got home if I was alone, I’d literally jump around while smiling to get the energy and excitement out. This wasn’t even that long ago. I feel like the only way to feel proud or excited again is if I achieve something massive and unrealistic like becoming a billionaire or famous, which could be because I’m always thinking about these unrealistic “goals”. I feel like I’m losing an enthusiastic, excited part of myself, and the motivation to achieve things and it makes me sad. Does your mind get really excited for no reason? Occasionally, my mind just get so excited for no reason. There are random things pop into my mind and I cant really concerntrate on anything. It's not a bad feeling, I'm just curious is it only me? I enjoy having things to look forward to, probably even more than the actual event. But lately I find I try not to think too hard about an upcoming vacation, or a plan to spend time with someone, because I get so down if it doesn’t work out. Or if it happens but it’s not as great as I thought. When I was younger, I used to spend a lot of time daydreaming about things and they always fell short of my expectations. Now I try to manage my expectations but I’m afraid that instead of “managing” them, it’s more “choking them to death.” Anyone else have trouble balancing expectations with reality? As I get older (I'm late 20's), life is getting more and more bland. Everything used to be more exciting a few years back. Exploring a new place, reading a new book, that feeling of rush and excitement when meeting someone new and getting intimate with them. I feel like that feeling is non-existent these days. I hate it, and I don't even feel like talking to anybody or connecting with anybody anymore. 35, male, great partner, good job, healthy, financially stable, yet nothing interests me. I've become a soulless zombie. I work in a growing industry in tech, I'm doing well, I love my partner, we have a great home but I seem to have lost the ability to feel the emotions of life. Nothing makes me excited but on a plus, nothing really worries me, it's like I've lost my zest for life. I have had a hard life in the past and now I feel like now all the pressure of basic human necessity has been removed, I don't know how to enjoy normal life. I just wanted to see if middle age causes this type of emotional plateau or whether I may need some mental biggest worry is that now I'm fully "adult" I'm just a joyless bastard. If I’m being completely honest here, even though I used to be a big enough fan of the show to actually write fanfiction about it, I have lost a lot of interest. I know that the season has taken a long time bc of the pandemic, I know that. But it’s tough to actually be patient at this point, I mean I’m 16 and feel like I have just changed so much since I first saw the show (I first saw this show in spring 2017, when I would have been about 11 or 12.) I used to be obsessed w the 80s bc of this show and now I’ve honestly moved on to the 90s, bc it rlly has been that long. I’m not trying to knock the show, it’s j hard for me to personally maintain interest. I have lost the ability to be "excited" about anything. And what I mean by excited, exactly, is that I no longer have the feeling of any active, joyful anticipation like I had when I was younger. Other than a few short instances in the past few months that would have to fall under the label of excitement, I haven't had that feeling for a very long time. A perfect example of this would be like waking up on Christmas morning and getting out of bed only for your coffee like it was any other morning. Don't get me wrong, I still have things that I can look forward to, but I am not excited for any of them the same way that I used to jump up and down for things back then. Have any of you experienced this feeling (or absence thereof)?