SaorUladh · 26-30, M
I don't normally comment on politics but I would like to express just how much I dislike Mr Starmer and his administration.
That honour belongs to Donald J Trump. I admit that Starmer isn't the greatest - but we could still do worse than him.
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@Jimbo7 Trump, Putin, Vance, Kim, Sunak, Johnson, Badenstock, Farage... how long do you want me to go on for???
Jimbo7 · M
@HootyTheNightOwl were all done for
@Jimbo7 We can turn it around at the next election... but it's going to take a good tactical vote for a party other than the Conservatives, Labour and Reform.
The problem with this is that I've just named the big three in the polls... and if we, as a nation, go the other way and scatter our vote between the remaining parties in protest, as we could, there's still a chance we will get a coalition with one of the big three I just mentioned.
I've got a good laugh for you anyway. Yesterday, I got into it with someone on Facebook who was berating people for voting Labour... yet, in the same post, he admits that he spoiled his own ballot paper - so he is having a go at people for voting Labour when he didn't vote at all.
The problem with this is that I've just named the big three in the polls... and if we, as a nation, go the other way and scatter our vote between the remaining parties in protest, as we could, there's still a chance we will get a coalition with one of the big three I just mentioned.
I've got a good laugh for you anyway. Yesterday, I got into it with someone on Facebook who was berating people for voting Labour... yet, in the same post, he admits that he spoiled his own ballot paper - so he is having a go at people for voting Labour when he didn't vote at all.
Achelois · F
I can’t even listen to his voice, it’s like nails down a chalkboard.
RightOn · 51-55, F
I don't trust Starmer, he only looks good next to Trump.
nobodyishome · 31-35, F
Hitler. Yes, Hitler
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