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I Hate Being Lied to

I don't know anyone in particular who actually would like to be lied to. Let me check though. -Opens a new tab in her browser and types in "What is the condition called when someone likes being lied to"- hmmm it has a lot of medical conditions about the person telling the lies but not the receiver, so nope.
Now there may be conditions where it is called for. Like "Honey? Do these jeans make my ass look fat?" for the husband's sake a little white lie or manipulating the truth a bit if the actually do is in order. Something like "Baby, you look beautiful in anything you wear!"
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Lilmissassypants · 51-55, F
I had a suspicion. You know, gut feeling. All I had to do was prove it. I did and gave him a chance to come clean and he lied straight to my face. When I pulled the proof out his face became stark white. Had he come clean I would have been hurt, but would have been willing to work it out. I believe everyone is human and makes mistakes and you can work them out and learn from them. But when you lie there nothing to build on.
Lilmissassypants · 51-55, F
Sorry to hear that herhehelp. Although the truth can sometimes hurt and you may break up over it anyway.. it really is always the best in my opinion. And thank you Icanandwill.. always a proper gentleman :)
bamaboylick · 61-69, M
It never is good. But you're so right there is a great deal to be learned from the experience
Lilmissassypants · 51-55, F
I maybe Sassy but I'm still a sweetheart most the time.... thus the bear. I can change the picture if ya want.
Lilmissassypants · 51-55, F
About 7 years ago. And it taught me to always trust my gut instinct.
(note to self: dont mess with SPants)
That hurt.
What's up with the bear!
Lilmissassypants · 51-55, F
I have been lied to. And I am here to tell you. There is no FBI agent in the world better then when someone is lying to a woman. Trust me on this.
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Lilmissassypants · 51-55, F
Lol, I think that is a wise decision bamaboylick... and thank you icanandwill :)
Yeah, once it's done all you can do is learn and move on.
How long ago?
Lilmissassypants · 51-55, F
It wasn't good. But it is how you learn from it. And I learned a lot.
I do, truly do.
Was it that bad?
Sassy, you look great in those pants. :)
Have you been lied to?
Lilmissassypants · 51-55, F
Like the old adage goes.. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.. Well, it is probably a duck.
...a pig in a dress...
bamaboylick · 61-69, M
I'll try that if I ever get a lady to talk to me! And no,I don't greet a lady with how much I admire her ass lol
Well it is a nice ass! Sweetheart, it's your call!
Lilmissassypants · 51-55, F
Lol well bamaboylick.. I would probably say "Honey, your ass looks so (and spell the word here) P... H... A... T in those pants." Most women are pretty hard on themselves anyway so phat or fat they are gonna hear WHALE! COW! BLUBBER! no matter how you pronounce it.
bamaboylick · 61-69, M
How about, Honey your ass look so phat in those pants! It's all in the pronunciation....I'm going to get hurt,right?

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