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midnight blues

does anyone get that constant feeling that no one loves you? or that feeling that everything is hopeless? or maybe that feeling that you'll never be successful? in ANYTHING in ANYWAY?
asking for a friend
fakable · T
the tau-cross leaves the mark of sadness on life
Slivereyes · F
I have the feeling of killing myself
MichaelT · 36-40, M
@Slivereyes Same here
auris · M
There was the time i was like that.
burntOUTfry · 22-25, T
@Fluffybull you didn't have to come here and tell us that if you didn't.
Fluffybull · F
@burntOUTfry You ask, people answer. Live with it. 🙄
burntOUTfry · 22-25, T
@Fluffybull I asked if "anyone else" gets what I was experiencing. Not if anyone does or doesn't. I'm looking for people that relate to it. Maybe you should start reading a little bit more carefully next time.

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