Check online for the flood zone map, this is very important for building a home. If you are above the flood zone you’ll probably be all right. If not you will be wise to get flood insurance on top of regular homeowners insurance. Check before buying land or any home. There were homes in this city that I really liked but they could have been in a flood area in a hard rain. So we passed them up. Also find out if the mineral rights are included with the land. In so many places the mineral rights have been sold and you can’t get them back. If there was oil or some other mineral discovered in that area then you would lose the royalties.
Cowboybob · M
It’s best to know what you plan to do with it. If you want to build a house, farm, raise animals, put up a store, etc. If you’re just going to let it sit, then you have to believe it will rise in value at a rate equal to the rate of interest or return you would receive from using the money elsewhere.
Bang5luts · M
Access to clean drinkable water, access to the property in other words a road leasing in and out, out of a flood zone and much more
MarineBob · 56-60, M
Buy it while you can as they're not making anymore.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
If you don't know what you want it for it will be difficult to determine the correct price.