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Do you remember any clueless moments you have had?

I remember I had tummy ache and my Grandmother asked me when did I last move my Bowels.
I had no idea what that meant and she gruffly said, "What are they teaching you at School"?
I remember being fitted for a suit for my school leavers dinner and the male store keeper asked me, "What side do you dress on"?
Blank stare from me.
He told me what it meant and I said, "It doesn't, it just points out"😩
I remember at sex education class in middle school, the teacher started talking about Oral Sex. My reaction was, "Is talking about it considered sex"? 🤷‍♂️
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
Once I walked through broken glass barefoot and didn't realise.I just felt the glass break under my feet and heard it crunchy.My friend told me what I had done.I just brushed off the soles of my bare feet and kept walking.No injury at all.The advantage of having super tough soles like hard thick leather.

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