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Have you ever been banned from someones house as an kid ?

I got banned from around 3 🥺 1st one for catching bees and letting them loose in the house , making up ghost stories to scare my friends and tresspassing onto an grumpy mans yard we ran soo fast when he came out swearing at us and chased after us , second because my dad got banned , they thought he was using them , they used me as an excuse , funny enough , they always brought him food and declined money , only once they accepted his $5 , he always did unpaid jobs for them in exchange for food , 3rd was because my friend hit her sister and blamed it on me , she smashed her tv too , she misbehaved extremely when I was there , I got blamed for that too 🥺
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kodiac · 22-25, M
Being a foster kid i got banned from lots of other kids homes .Once when i was around 8 years old this kid asked me to come over to play gta we planned on playing the next day.At school he told me i couldn't come because his mom said foster kids would steal anything not nailed down . Don't think he was supposed to tell me that lol
kodiac · 22-25, M
@chrisCA it's par for the course for foster kids
chrisCA · M
@kodiac Maybe it is an American attitude. They portray them in movies as sketchy.
kodiac · 22-25, M
@chrisCA From what i hear its even worse in other countries
Never. And never before have I thought of myself as an angel. Haha
@SW-User then it certainly is quite the possibility.
@SW-User Ive done many things my parents wouldnt have dreamt of me doing 🤣 I dont know how im still alive. Luckily , even when I broke the law as an teenager , I was lucky just to get an warning , mostly , I never got caught. Only an few times I got caught.
@SW-User lending credence to the bad girls are good girls saying!
We were not allowed to go to other kids' homes.
@PoetryNEmotion how come ?
@SW-User A few reasons. My parents didn't socialize much. My dad was an alcoholic on the weekends. There were 7 of us- a large family even in those days- so it wouldn't work. We were close growing up. We were our friends.
deadgerbil · 26-30
Thankfully no

But who releases bees into a house XD
@deadgerbil me 🤣 I did 😹 I got bored , I was only around 10 I think
Yes I was a trouble maker
@SlippingAway what did you do ?
jackson55 · M
Because my family were nudists I was banned from a few friends house……..even with my clothes on.
jackson55 · M
@FableDNK Understand entirely, it’s not for everyone. But when you’re alittle kid you think differently about stuff.
jackson55 · M
@SW-User When you are alittle kid things aren’t quite as clear as when you are older.
@jackson55 true
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
Never. I was a really good kid, all the neighborhood parents loved me.
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
@SW-User So what do you think of David Harbour & Would You Do Him
Yes actually
maiohy · 18-21, F
No. Had my bum smacked by friends mum
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
I got kicked out as a young teen temporarily every now and then because shit parents.
@GeistInTheMachine im sorry 🌸
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
@SW-User No worries. It built character. 😝
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@RogueLoner thats evil 🤣😹

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