Are you comfortable watching porn with anyone? 👀
Random question but I just watched porn with a friend last night 😶
I've literally never done that with anyone before 😂 I randomly asked her if she would give herself head if she could & it turned into an actual conversation we were curious about 🤷 Suddenly we were looking up videos of it like "how tf" 😶
Next thing we knew we were just scrolling through porn, showing each other videos, & commenting on it all. Laughing at ridiculous stuff or pointing out shit we liked 🤣
Halfway through we were like "wait... why tf are we watching porn together?" 😂
Somehow it wasn't sexual at all or even weird. It felt like a bonding moment lol.
I feel like a total SW fetish weirdo just from writing this 😅
I've literally never done that with anyone before 😂 I randomly asked her if she would give herself head if she could & it turned into an actual conversation we were curious about 🤷 Suddenly we were looking up videos of it like "how tf" 😶
Next thing we knew we were just scrolling through porn, showing each other videos, & commenting on it all. Laughing at ridiculous stuff or pointing out shit we liked 🤣
Halfway through we were like "wait... why tf are we watching porn together?" 😂
Somehow it wasn't sexual at all or even weird. It felt like a bonding moment lol.
I feel like a total SW fetish weirdo just from writing this 😅