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What is the one picture that describes the lowest point in your life?

Not that anyone could tell what was going on in the moment when I took this, but it was taken during the lowest point of my life.
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Eclipsed · M
@SW-User yeah.. the mind is pure evil sometime. I'll never understand why they turn on themselves.. why they no longer want to exist.
@Eclipsed I think it’s just nature and a need to find an escape from perceived danger. Except it got it all wrong.
Eclipsed · M
@SW-User yeah.. I think it's the mental health equivalent of an auto immune disease.. like where the immune system starts attacking the body's organs and blood.. I think it's like that.. something just breaks and goes on autopilot and we lose control of it.
Eclipsed · M

I despise peaceful little pandas.. and they all came for me looking to cling to my legs like this.. still have nightmares about it.

@Eclipsed This one has to be elaborated on. 🧐
summersong · F
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Eclipsed · M
@summersong hello darkness my old friend.
When I found out..

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thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M
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KmuhfknC · 36-40, F

I was heavy in addiction
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