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CozyCardigan · 46-50, M
yes, even if my parents were very strict and punished me a lot. it was done always with love..

bijouxbroussard · F Best Comment
Not really, except by the grandparents. My parents were not that physically demonstrative. I knew they loved me, but they never “fussed”. I loved visiting my grandmother, she’d scoop me up into her arms and had the kindest voice. If I close my eyes and focus, I can still hear it, musical tones with a slight French accent. She’s been gone 36 years now. 😔
Thanks for BC ! 😃
@bijouxbroussard I like the story about your grandmother.
KuroNeko · 41-45, F
I remember very clearly, my mother holding my hand at the bus stop once and stroking my arm when I was upset. I realise now that I remember these times so clearly because they happened so rarely. I was pretty starved of affection from her. I did get a little more from my dad and my grandparents..but theres something different about a mothers affection that's hard to replace.
curiosi · 61-69, F
I was told since I could remember that I was a worthless sack of shit that was so ugly no one would ever want me. There was more but that one really stands out.
easterniowegin · 51-55, M
@curiosi the 50s saw one of the biggest upswings in creature comforts in history. It created a lot of entitled kids.
A huge shift from the mentality of the Depression Era kids.
curiosi · 61-69, F
@AnonymouslyYours I remember telling teachers and they would say "No one could be that bad". Even now as an adult people will say "But they are your parents!". I was so abused I often wonder how that poor child survived.
That's one of the worst feelings: turning to adults you trust for their help and not being believed.@curiosi
CheshireCatalyst · 36-40, M
I think everyone feels loved as a child...but that's also when we're learning what love is.

If we're screamed at, we think that's love
If we're nurtured, we think that's love
If we're ignored, we think that's love
BlueVeins · 22-25
I received a lot of love as a child but to be honest, it was wasted.
@BlueVeins why?
BlueVeins · 22-25
@SW-User I went cray-cray anyway. 🤷😵🥴
easterniowegin · 51-55, M
I have bad feelings from being a kid. I was born 7 months after my parents married. I often wonder if there was resentment of me.
My grandparents helped raise me, since my parents seemed very selfish.
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Yes very much I was always happy and loved and welcomed not so much ..but its my fault ..I let my parents down and I hide from them
Thankfully, yes.
And also a bit overprotected (most of the times)
But I have a happy childhood so I’m thankful.
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
Not after the age of 5. All love in my life stopped then never to return.
Paintedfox · 36-40, F
No. Definitely not.
kodiac · 22-25, M
No foster care discourages love.
RubySoo · 56-60, F
Yes...i had a wonderful childhood. X
Nope. Not one damn bit. And I wasn't.
Before adolescence: yes.
Sepia · 36-40, F
I'm a bit childish so yezz
TheCatBites · 26-30, F
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
Dusty101 · F
Very much! 🤗
FurryFace · 61-69, M

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