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What would you do if someone broke their promise to you

As simple as that, what if someone breaks a promise to you.
What would you do and why?
I am used to those circumstances. It's rare if they don't break them.

I just see the fickle nature and feel sad or don't care
Imsleepy · 31-35
I’m loyal as fuck until you lose my trust. When that becomes the case you can forget you ever knew me.
Demspritezyo · 26-30, M
@Imsleepy You've said it, homie.
If they do not have the courtesy to tell me why they broke it, on their own, I may or may not ask them...
If there is a good reason, well and good.
If they just waffle around, their word becomes useless to me.
Demspritezyo · 26-30, M
Haha my bad, it seemed like you might not have been. I suppose I got the wrong idea there for a sec.
@Demspritezyo I am quite surprised. Most people think the opposite of what you did.
Demspritezyo · 26-30, M
Haha I suppose I may be a special case then! Hope it didn't come off rude or anything 😅
SweetMae · 70-79, F
I'm used to that.
GlitterBug · 22-25, F
Depends on the promise. A big one might make me push them out of my life. Something small can be overlooked or discussed.
xixgun · M
Never give them the opportunity to promise me anything again
I'd get over it but I wouldn't forget it.
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Poppies · 61-69, F
It depends on the circumstances. No one is perfect, and sometimes unforeseeable complications arise. I might overlook it or it might count as a strike.
Depends on who, what promise they broke
Demspritezyo · 26-30, M
@SimplyLogicalDiscipline For example, the promise meant a lot to you and you don't even get to hear the reason as to why it was not kept.
@Demspritezyo shift+delete that person's importance in my life
Demspritezyo · 26-30, M
@SimplyLogicalDiscipline That works I suppose!
I forgive, but don’t forget.
I’d remember it.
BrattyMel · 31-35, F
I won’t ever forget it
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