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Can a house retain memories?

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dancingtongue · 80-89, M
When we bought our first house, for the first year or so I would frequently awaken in the middle of the night to see this woman and this young girl standing near the bed just staring at us. Always the same two. We knew the house had been vacant for a couple of years -- tied up in an estate squabble -- before we bought it, and one reason it hadn't been vandalized was that the kids in the neighborhood thought it was haunted. We then learned that the wife had left with the kids, and the husband had died in a drunken stupor and wasn't found for several days. After about a year the woman and her girl stopped appearing. It was like they had accepted we were good caretakers for the house and left.
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CathyUK · 56-60, F
@Bootsiebaby Good video! Yes the past can haunt us. Until we expel that ghost!
OldSoul11 · 56-60, M
If you adhere to the strict definition of what memories are then no a house can not retain memories, but if you are asking if a inanimate object such as a house can retain a meta physical residual part or presence of a living object which then entangles with the inanimate object causing a bond that lasts forever, then sure i believe a house can retain a memory of sorts.
MsMontgomery · 51-55, F
A house can bring certain memories back, by the familiarity or history that’s been remembered ... I dream about a house I grew up in. I hated that house. Never good dreams.
So.. in a way... the house represents memories.
CathyUK · 56-60, F
@MsMontgomery I have wondered though, looking at old things, if it is more than personal significance but that an object can carry something with it.
MsMontgomery · 51-55, F
@CathyUK yes, I believe so... there was a ring that I had & when the one who gave it died, there was an unexplainable pull on me every day to take it to his son... once I did.. the feeling went away... it sounds crazy, but that’s what happened.
CathyUK · 56-60, F
@MsMontgomery I totally understand this. Thank you for sharing that.
Tminus6453 · M
No, but you can..😏
CathyUK · 56-60, F
@Tminus6453 Never seen something old and felt it held more than what you see?
Tminus6453 · M
@CathyUK Well, unless i know who lived there i dont really know the history of any old house, but our imagination is there to fill in the blanks
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
Another example. My brother-in-law moved his family into his parents old farmhouse. His wife said she kept catches glimpses of an old lady when she looked out the kitchen window. She described this white haired Sicilian woman all dressed in black with a white apron. My late wife and her brother both said "that sounds like grandma" and they dug up an old family album and showed it to her. She said "That's her!" The woman had been long dead before they even started dating, and she had never seen any of the photos because she was not a favorite relative and had never lived in that particular house; only visited.
Poppapepe · 51-55, MVIP
Only thought haunted ones 😏
Technically yes... but retrieving it... not really possible with modern tech.
Newconvo2 · 51-55, M
Objects that remind

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