Mamapolo2016 · F
There's a Buddhist parable in which Buddha sends a disciple for water from a nearby spring-fed pond but the disciple finds the water has been disturbed by a cart drawn by oxen and the water is milky with mud. He returns to Buddha and explains the water is not fit to drink. Twice more Buddha sends him for water and on the third trip the disciple finds the water has calmed and is now clear and drinkable.
Same with unpleasant memories. You may have to see the mud a few times but eventually the waters will calm and all will be clear.
Same with unpleasant memories. You may have to see the mud a few times but eventually the waters will calm and all will be clear.
AkAtSUki · F
Meditate, speak out the thoughts you want, take control of your own mind. Realize that those negative thoughts are not yours, they are from an outside source made to make you think less of yourself.
skydancer237 · 36-40, F
@AkAtSUki I love your answer to this.
AkAtSUki · F
@skydancer237 thank you. 🤗 glad I could help
4meAndyou · F
I stay busy...VERY busy doing tasks that require concentration, like research, building family trees. I am not thinking about myself when I am doing things like that.

I try and take deep breaths. Not easy to do while at work, without people thinking I'm hyperventilating, or something.
I force myself to think about something else
johnnnnnn · 61-69, M
Try and forget them
in10RjFox · M
That's an indication that I have a pocket that I have not filled with newness or future thoughts .. So I quickly fill it with newer thoughts and dreams and smile the way future is going to be, erasing the past as to how it was.
ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F
I don't know.
If you find a way, please, be sure to share it with me 😳
I don't know.
If you find a way, please, be sure to share it with me 😳
Eddiesolds · 61-69, M
I have a hard time also.i let it run its course.It goes away again eventually.It hurts
wakanda4eva · 26-30, F
Disengage *shifts gear*

I turn the music up. 🎶
GreenGoddess · F
Kill myself.