I reprioritized everything in my life and realized that strong emotions of any kind for that person had no place in my life.
Cooper802Forever · 26-30, M
You can resolve things or like talk things out in a way for some answers that you proabably didn't have from them in the past, maybe forgive those people in a way, or if thats not possible focus on the good things and on you and just get out there and relieve yourself from those feelings, maybe also telling yourself that stuff like that happen for a reason and you're stronger and smarter from all of it and come to be glad it happened for that. Lol
Experienced33 · M
Just don't hate, it makes you old for no reason.
reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
replace hate with the same emotion you have for strangers. instead of hating, I either feel nothing or wish them well but hope we never cross path again and if we do, they are strangers anyway.

i don't
I personally don’t. If I hate someone I hate them for good. 🙂 It has never let me down before.
SweetMae · 70-79, F
Move on quickly.
cloudy · 26-30, F
Forgive them. There is no reason to hate anybody
ExploreroftheUnknown · 26-30, M
Endlesstime89 · 31-35, F
I don't get over it. Because the people I hate I will never forgive them for what they did to me.
nomercyfortheweak · 26-30, T
Get revenge then you can move on lol x
skydancer237 · 36-40, F
@nomercyfortheweak I did in a way. I told the person off and removed them from my life.