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Would you say these actions are racists or not

1.A light skinned car driver sees a person (they know), walking along the street. Going to the car driver’s house. The walking person is ethnic and pregnant they ignore them and drive on home.

2.A white person introduces thier mixed race family to another at a party. The person says these are my boys and this is my wifes daughter (the daughter is a darker complexion that the others). And all of the children are his wife’s kids.

3.A white man asks a young blond haired blue eyed boy to go up the garden to talk to another neighbour. He asked says “If he asks tell him your my child.” There is another child present with dark hair and dark eyes. He says “I’ll go with you too and say the same.” The man then turns to the latter and says “no don’t come your too dark.”

4.A white mother and son are painting a relative comes over to visit. She says your wife is abroad why did you not go with her to the son. The mother replies “you don’t want to go over there with all them darkies.”

5.A white man takes his grandson (who is dark complexion), to the zoo and when they get off the bus says to the child don’t keep calling me grandad call me by my name. The child is 8 years old.

6.A mother complains to her daughter “you never come to see me anymore.” The daughter then rings up to make arrangements for coming to see them. The husband says “oh you can’t come then I am having some people over.” She telephones again and gets another excuse “going to the opticians.” The mother rings and then says the only child that visits is blond hair and blue eyed and that the tanned coloured daughter does not care.

When the daughter explains and says she has been told not to come by the husband the mother calls her a liar and hangs up.

7. A white man has a birthday party the darkest skinned grandchild and the tanned skin girl are excluded but the blond hair man and his family are all in attendance.

Are these incidences just a personality clash or are they racially motivated?
I have worked in the prison system for 28 years and i could sit on here and bring up racist incidents against whites all day long, but, i choose not to because i am not a race baiter.
billstickers · 36-40, M
popmol · 26-30, M
some are but i find it fun that its always the white person xD
indyjoe · 56-60, M
I think all examples are set up as bigoted. I don't see how there is any way to answer that they are not. So what's the point of this question?
billstickers · 36-40, M
Do i care NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO political correctness an all that.
Racism is everywhere and it's not going anywhere...even passive racism is still racism

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