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Any social anxiety sufferers?

Im battling with my social anxiety. I have severe depression and im at my wits end. Im 27 nad have no job no care ,licence nothing and get more depressed every day. I really need to get myself a job and build my life. I ran away many times from jib interviews and went to work for a few days and never go back.

I treat my bf like shit and keep breaking up with him. I say the most horrible things to him iguess i do that because of my broken relationship with my family who left me and my mother with nothing.i really cant live anymore likethis.What do i do?
Yes but it's hope for you they have psychologists that specializes in treating social anxiety and panic attacks and there medications that aid
The best treatment of all is confronting your fears until they are miminal.
My first anxiety attack hit me when I 17 standing in front of my history class giving an oral book report.
I started Shaking my head began a severe tremor. I remember my classmates staring very strangely at me
After class my best friend ask why was I shaking like that?
I developed a fear of shaking in public in front of people
Activities I had calmly enjoyed like eating a public Lunchroom with Friends I avoided because I didn't want people to know scared and nervous I was.
This spread to other areas. Like riding buses and escalators.
I asked God why did this have happen to me during my young years
I couldn't enjoy life like other young people. This phobia ruined my teens and 20's.
When I was 22 I became a nurse's aide.
My first job was in a nursing home across toen
I didn't drive I was afraid of buses but the only way I was getting to work was to take a bus.
I was frightened that first day but I boarded the bus
And I was proud of myself
As the months pasted I overcame that fear of riding on a bus.
You can overcome too
As I posted eariler you are lucky today in 2018
There are therapists who can help you overcome your fears
Something I never had
Try it
Clairessa09 · 31-35
@Starrysky Thank u for sharing. I have been to psychologiss and psychiatrists from age 15(first panic attack till 20) i took heavy meds for 5 years ans it destroyed me. I had horrible experiences wid therapists and will never go back. I have been thru so much hell thelast year that I have lost all hope and love my day to day life just existing. My bf does so much for me and i want to be better but my fears are so strong and my anxietyfrom the past pains have left me crippled.
Just try to contact temporarily a legitimate psychologist online
Post them what you posted to me maybe they could find other therapists in your local town to help
Maybe there is still someone who can help you
MuddyWelliesLover96 · 26-30, F
Yes! I suffer from depression and have a lot of periods where I just hate interacting with people. Sometimes I just want to be alone in this world...
i was in the same situation with myself until i was 24-25. severe anxiety/depression, no job or anything because of said conditions. I had to push myself really hard, was having panic attacks in work and everything but eventually i settled in, and proved that i could make at least "something" work for me. I think you just need something to go right in your life and you'll have more confidence. I saved up enough to not work for a year, but i don't wanna go back either so looking into passive income.
Clairessa09 · 31-35
@Gh0s1 Yes u right. I need something to go right for me. I have lost all confidence and hopes. When you suffer all your life and even when you work hard theres nothing good coming out of it its hard to be positive. I so badly need a break.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
Your boyfriend must see something special with you at least he has not given up. You should see a psychologist and your local doctor and talk about you anxiety not all is lost
You need therapy badly.
Goralski · 51-55, M
Oh brother now that's rough

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