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AnnMayola26-30, F
Immediately when I find out they don't want me

DanielChristensen46-50, M Best Comment
That would be situational, but if there is no obvious or declared reciprocation, if they seem disinterested, preoccupied with someone else or there is no real chemistry, all good reasons to stop thinking of them in that fashion
Zer0Point36-40, F
@DanielChristensen Do you think there is any way to stop thinking of them in that manner without breaking ties with them completely?
Not really@Zer0Point
DanielChristensen46-50, M
@Zer0Point That would be difficult. Heart wants what it wants.The chase is intoxicating. We often fancy someone who doesn't feel the same. It would probably be the best course to sever association, but some like to hang onto the hope they will somehow come around.

Perhaps your average person would find this exceedingly difficult to achieve whilst retaining associations, but I believe a mature, realistic person can grasp and accept the reality and still value a friendship
Xuan1231-35, M
I usually don't. I'm too shy and have self-esteem problems.
Zer0Point36-40, F
@Xuan12 If it makes you feel any better, I think you're a kickass person. Plus I'm the same way, so like when I crush it's pretty hard, and it's typically one-sided, lol.
Xuan1231-35, M
@Zer0Point I appreciate it. You're quite cool yourself.
UndeadPrivateer31-35, M
When it's obviously one-sided.
Zer0Point36-40, F
@UndeadPrivateer Fucking true :(
UndeadPrivateer31-35, M
@Zer0Point Them's some real shitty feels, but real ones.
@UndeadPrivateer yeah 馃槬
JennyJam31-35, F
In most cases the moving on is done far later than it should be

Zer0Point36-40, F
@JennyJam Truth
Following this thread because i still dont know how.
Sepia36-40, F
Try to utterly hate them..view them entirely as undesirable, unlikeable and there's no good in them...focus on that until you can fuke it out lol
As soon as it feels like the odds of it developing are slim. I develop crushes pretty easily, and let go.
This post reminded me instantly of 1978 the release of Grease and a girl named Julie, so i guess you never do?
MasterLee56-60, M
After the last bit of orange leaves the can
Zer0Point36-40, F
@MasterLee 馃槀
JovialPlutonian36-40, M
After the first restraining order
Zer0Point36-40, F
@JovialPlutonian You've had a lot of experience I take it? lol
I try to nip it in the bud as soon as I feel the feels.
When they act like an asshole.
RubySoo56-60, F
....I never do. Once someone is in my heart....I tend to keep them there forever....(with one exception) .....altho a crush can develop into a good friendship....even love x
RubySoo56-60, F
@Zer0Point ...tell me about it hunni. I shall live my whole life with that feeling.I hope we shall find each other again in another lifetime xx
Zer0Point36-40, F
@RubySoo I really wish you the best in the next life :) 馃
RubySoo56-60, F
@Zer0Point thank you sweetie. I can dream x
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CheshireCatalyst36-40, M
Two options, either you have a one night thing with them and realise it wasn't all it was cracked up to be, or you deliberately cut off all contact with them because you know that moment is going to happen otherwise.
Zer0Point36-40, F
@CheshireCatalyst This is painfully true.
When it makes you more miserable than happy
Quizzical46-50, M
When I can no longer feel my legs...
Quizzical46-50, M
@Zer0Point Then I've just come across as an insensitive ass... But it wouldn't be the first time :p
Zer0Point36-40, F
@Quizzical Lol, you pull off the insensitive ass quite well. 馃榿
Quizzical46-50, M
@Zer0Point Plenty of practice 馃榿
Fishy36-40, F
I do my best to avoid letting my feelings for someone grow to that stage
I haven鈥檛 had a crush in many years so I don鈥檛 have a good answer
Right after realizing you have a crush
I don鈥檛 know if I鈥檝e ever had to.
Before it becomes problematic.
When it鈥檚 not reciprocal
vss123436-40, M
restraining order
I don't really get crushes, but when it's happened in the past I entertain the thought for a few seconds and then move on because it's simply not worth it for me to invest emotionally in something in which the affection may, and probably won't, ever be returned.

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