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Rosesarered · 22-25, F
Their pain tolerance

Tatsumi · 31-35, M
The insideousness of female power. With manipulation and crying and demanding, they can exert social pressure to a much higher degree than men. But. Because it's subtle, they never have to take responsibility for it.

E.g. The Spartan wife who told her husband to come back with his shield or on it bore no responsibility for the people he killed or pillaged. Her hands were completely clean of blood. She just made it a requirement of her continued love and affection.

And, for instance, some chick could say I raped her, and 1,000 dudes would be ready to kill me based on no evidence whatsoever. That's power. And it's pretty scary. In addition, society itself will be quick to pass judgement based on nothing more than a woman crying. The courts and political people will also be quick to shove a man, or a thousand, under the proverbial bus, at such behest. Even if they try to be fair, they are still exceptionally biased, in favor of women. As all of society is.

People act like women have no power. They couldn't be more wrong.
Miram · 31-35, F

If one is doing that, they are protecting their status and their own gains. Nothing more.
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
@Miram I don't believe that. I think that if most women stood up and said, "Okay, that's enough. We don't want this anymore," men would be quick to go, "Okay." I think the truth is that women must perpetuate that, as well. Because the only answers to infinite female oppression are: 1. Women are inferior, or, 2: Women accept that society and see no need to change it. Every other oppressed group always rises up against their oppressors, eventually. To say women are the only group who do not, I do not like. Not that that's what you're saying. I'm just vomitting everything relevant to the general subject, as I am wrought to do.

Like I said, though, I am ignorant of those types of societies. I definitely know virtually nothing about Africa, so I can't speak on that.

Oh, I didn't mean the goal was to protect every woman--although, that is the skewed, instinctual intent. Kill or torture one woman to garner the necessary behavior of the others in order to protect women *as a whole*, for the purpose of whatever is deemed proper for childbearing. It's not too unlike the West, really. Just much more severe. The same reason the West still condemns women for being "sluts"--it's viewed as a misuse, carelessness of their eggs [despite technological advances which give women much more control over that] though not many realize that's why.

I also forgot the right word, but I meant a transmogrification of that instinct. So, I meant protectiveness is the driving force, but it got fucked up and twisted up, in some way, likely due to belief.
Miram · 31-35, F
Yes, not enough women are trying to change things. And oppression of women is also by women.

But the shift of power comes with prior tools and more willingness from men too. The first European wave of feminism was linked to changes in education and economic necessities.
Deadcutie · 18-21, F
I know you all think about the possibility that exists we will bite down hard and yank!!!!!!!
valhalla · M
@Deadcutie 😲
never trust anything that bleeds fr a week and dont die !
MikefromEP · 56-60, M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout I heard about 2 months ago that only 3 animals menstrate...2 of them are whales... should we worry 🤔
geez. surprised the ocean isnt red..
Miram · 31-35, F
Humans come out of their vaginas.
I like em.

[image deleted]
HowlJenkinsPendragon · 31-35, M
I have alot of trust issues with women I'm working on. So I guess it's how good they can be at lying.
MikefromEP · 56-60, M
What was the question from yesterday to give a proper response
@MikefromEP They asked the same about men.
msros · F
I will strangle you with my nerd thighs 😂😂
HowlJenkinsPendragon · 31-35, M
@msros WTF!?
msros · F
I am very scary.
FeetAreFantastic · 41-45, M
Women aren't scary. They can be a pain in the ass sometimes and they are incomprehensible mostly, but they ain't scary.
@FeetAreFantastic i think a lot of people would disagree with that.. ex girlfriend. ex wife. theres definitely scary out there.

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