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I Am Not Afraid To Walk Alone At Night

In fact I love it. It's so peaceful and nobody is there to bother you. Feeling the cold air against the skin is so pleasant
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AzazaelOPR · 36-40, M
They say when you stare into the Abyss for too long that the Abyss stares back. Well. I don't mind the darkness because I'm the thing that stares back.
If you lived in my area you would be afraid to walk alone at night. These are terrible times and so using a sound mind would dictate at any age not going out at night alone or going out in unfamiliar areas.
Fredbloggs · 31-35, M
I agree. it's very relaxing and clears the mind before bed
curzeling · 31-35, F
I feel the same way. Love being in the dark
GoodoldBob · 61-69, M
Yes indeed
Aperson · M
Stay safe
whateverhappens · 26-30, F
sheltered kid over here
Renoire · 26-30, F
Cesgensla: Lol but mosquitoes seems pretty gross to eat :/
lightningblue · 26-30, M
@renoire you're lucky, because at night during the summer, you can scare those moskitos away with that tongue
U wouldn't say that if it was pissing it down :)

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