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I Don't Believe In Evolution

I don't understand the arguments,from the point that Charles Darwin called it a Theory and he proved nothing at all! As far as I am aware saying the planet has existed millions of years is also theoretical, there is no proof there has been that much time lapse!

The other thing, being a teacher, I watch children absorb things every day and I find it amazing how they grow in the process of learning and it can't be subject to natural selection of whatever!
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Shutterbug · 56-60, M
You might want to get an understanding of what a theory is. It's constantly misused like you are doing.
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
All New scientific beliefs are presented as theories... Then every one like on to either prove it disprove it... The evidence had been stacking up for a century now... There's been revelations on exactly how it works... Improvements... But the basic thrust of it hasn't changed or been disproved
Frank52 · 70-79, M
If you have decided that something is not so before you start there will never be a 'proof'. Science only has theories. It constantly tests and revises. The fixed position of belief is called 'dogma' and is quite a different method of thinking.
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redredred · M
There’s a ton of proof for both evolution and the geological age of the earth. BTW, in science, a “theory” is the highest level of proof there is. You may be confusing it with a hypothesis. The very device you’re reading this on operates by way of circuit theory and Einstein’s theory of relativity corrected Newton’s laws of motion.
You are correct

Evolution is a theory

Theories can not be proved, only disproved

So far evolution has inconsistencies which has opened doubts

In the meantime we use evolution as a "fill in" to base other theories upon ... knowing all are weak.

For me ... I have faith to bridge the gaps science has no theories to fill
Holdontothefire · 26-30, M
Carbon... Dating?
Sharon · F
Carbon... Dating?
No. Carbon 14 dating is only good for things no older than about 20 000 years. Other elements, e.g: K-Ar (Potassium - Argon), U-Pb; Rb-r, are used for radiometric dating of older objects. Scientists don't rely on just one method either. Other methods, using different principles, are used to confirm (or disprove) results.
GeniUs · 56-60, M
You know what?
An argument/discussion works a whole lot better if everybody remains respectful to each other no matter how crazy the other persons side seems to be.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@GeniUs I try. I really do. But it's difficult for me to understand how people can appear to be this insane.
GeniUs · 56-60, M
@LordShadowfire I know but you have to rise above it assume a god like superiority and try to teach them as an adult to a kindergartener.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@GeniUs I think a huge part of the reason I seek out places like this is that I need to learn how to do that, but I've always managed to screw it up.
The world didn't exist before I was born cause I wasn't there.
Success · 26-30, F
Right... the world was created in the year 0001 😆
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
I don't understand the arguments
So you admit it's too complex for you to understand.
Charles Darwin called it a Theory and he proved nothing at all!
Liar. The theory of evolution has been proven time and again, which is why it is a theory, and not a hypothesis.
As far as I am aware saying the planet has existed millions of years is also theoretical, there is no proof there has been that much time lapse!
More lies. The fact that you have a teaching certificate makes me physically ill. You just dismissed the field of geology in its entirety.
The other thing, being a teacher, I watch children absorb things every day and I find it amazing how they grow in the process of learning and it can't be subject to natural selection of whatever!
Translation: "I don't comprehend how brain cells work, therefore Jesus!"

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