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Possibly started as equotic apes, turned slave race by the Anunnaki

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SDavis · 56-60, F
There are those that actually think that - but when you read the Sumerian story of the Annunaki _ the Anunnakis created man to work to mine the gold that was found here on Earth.

From a hypothetical point of view suppose the Annunaki are the beings that are called angels and gods and are the creators of this planet and all life upon it. And they created the ape type creature long before they created man. Which they probably just changed some chromosomes, DNA, genetic traits, in order to have a more intelligent and capable animal, more like them.

When you read the Sumerian literature on the Anunnaki, their using seemingly nuclear weapons and the radiation aftermath fallout. They were flying around and crafts doing this, that, and the other man would naturally look at them in awe. And classify them as being supernatural, which they would be.

Even the Egyptians wrote about the war Horace, Seth, and Osiris _ the same war as between Enlil,Enki, Ninurta. Same Gods, different people, different names, different styles of worship according to their cultures.

Pride and jealousy even in the Anunnaki - and guess what Abraham of the Bible is a descendant of the people of UR / which was a city in ancient Sumeria.
Pfuzylogic · M
No wonder God told Abraham to leave the area! A man of Faith in Salvation doesn’t need the myths.
SDavis · 56-60, F


My conversations with fellow Christians the majority of those I've spoken to believe they are demons, the Nephiliums, fallen angels.......... That means angels travel in crafts, what the Bible speaks of as the chariots of God -- what took Enoch and Elijah up in a world wind -- Ezekiel's wheel which contain the four cherubims......

And what of the very old Christian paintings that depicts objects in the sky that looks much like UFOs. Which clearly shows they are crafts.
Dlrannie · 31-35, F
So what on earth is an equotic ape? Do you mean exotic or acquatic?
Dlrannie · 31-35, F
@FaithdevidesusDeathunitesus Apology accepted. However you still haven’t explained what an Equotic Ape is. 🙂🐼🥢
@Dlrannie The equotic ape theory suggest that our early ancestors spent a significant amount of time in water
Dlrannie · 31-35, F
@FaithdevidesusDeathunitesus That would be an Acquatic Ape them
Pfuzylogic · M
You should write that alien comedy!
@Pfuzylogic Jesus
@Pfuzylogic Are you ready to talk about Jesus
@Pfuzylogic Nothing els to add then?
Rhode57 · 56-60, M
There is no such thing . An aquatic ape is an unproven hypothesis of human evolution put forward by scientists to plug the gap in human evolution. There is alot more to it if you google it you will get the whole hypothesis .
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
You are free to believe what you wish, I disagree.

Posted April 25, 2023
In this episode, Daniel Holdings, Tom Horn, Derek Gilbert and more discuss the greatest mysteries of our time and expose the elitists and intellectuals who are planning to assimilate mankind under a coming ‘savior,’ one whom the prophet Daniel foresaw as “an alien god.”


The MSM and our corrupt government don't want curios minds, they want people obsessed with false history and a current system engrossed within vapidity and nonsensical news devoid of substance and truth. Some people will find the above video too far out there for their tastes, others will do the investigative research they need to do.
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
Makes sense to me
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
you really should stop snorting ether/starting fluid... 🤔
@wildbill83So that means your gonna stop too,that's only fair since you are the one that showed me how to do it
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
Now you're speaking my language.

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