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Wedding Canceled

Yesterday afternoon my older brother’s fiancé sent a message saying. That she was sorry to announce that she found out my brother was cheating on her and she has called off the wedding. This wedding was less than a month away. All the wedding had there suits and dresses purchased. Two showers were evented. Also a buck and doe was done.She thinks it could have been more than once and that it has been going on for awhile. Literally yesterday morning I just completed my speech for there wedding can’t believe what are the odds same day as I did this. Anyways we were at my grandma’s yesterday when we found out. My mother called us while we were there. We had to go into another room as we didn’t want grandma to know. The whole visit we had to lie when she was mentioning the wedding. I personally thought it was not my place to tell her. She will be heartbroken she was looking forward to it. My mother and father are shock. Me and my brother aren’t as. In the past I notice something was off. But thought when he met his fiancé that he was serious and and in love with her. I do admit I wasn’t not 100% fond of her. But I still was respectful as my brother was in love with her. She never should have experience this and I feel terrible she is going through this.
It is none of my business how or why this happen. I’m hoping it’s not a misunderstanding of him having friends that are girls and she is jealous.But there so many scenarios though I don’t know. I don’t know my brother fiancé very well. What done is done. I know some family members will have some hatred for him and maybe disown him. I will still be in his life. I am not happy with the choice he made if it’s the case of him cheating. I love him and we have great memories together. There are times gets me when one else does. I may sound confuse as I debate how true this is. I just hope nothing worse more comes from this. I love them both and hope things don’t worse.
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I am very sorry this happened to your family. I think it is better to find out now, than if they had gotten married and then have this happen. People should not judge either one of them though. No one knows all the details and the family should realize that sometimes these things do happen. The family should still love your brother. Not turn him away or disown him. We all make mistakes and nobody knows for sure if he cheated or not but still they should love him. Not love what he did, if he did it that is, but still love him as a person and try to help him.

She will have to know sooner or later and it would be good if the family could get together and decide the best way on how to break the news to your grandmother and the family could all go over there and support her and gather around her and love her at this time. I'm sure she would appreciate the support. Nothing says you have to tell her all the nitty gritty details of why the wedding was canceled. You could just say that something came up and the wedding has been canceled and leave it at that. No use hurting your grandmother's heart. I think the more people in the family make a big deal out of it, and not that it's not a big deal but still, the more people break it to her in a gentle way, the less excited she will get and upset. And in this case, it just might be better if a couple people go over there and tell her instead of a whole crowd, as that might raise her suspicions. The family really should get together and plan how you're going to break this news to your grandmother carefully, so that you're all on the same page and you all know what's going on and how to answer her if she contacts anyone else in the family. They should understand that you don't want to upset her with such terrible news about her grandson. That's just not necessary. I'm not saying lie to her but just don't tell her the whole story. There would be no need to get this poor lady all upset, when there's nothing anyone can do about it anyway. I hope you understand. These are just my thoughts of course. You must all decide what you want to do. But I pray your grandma will not get overly burdened or upset about this news.
deadgerbil · 26-30, M
Now's the time to actually ask the hard questions as this will influence everyone going forward. If people are capable of having huge events, they better be capable of being honest with everyone who invested time and energy into this
GreenNatured95 · 26-30, F
Agree all the effort,money and time that went into this wedding was wasted due to some not being honest in this situation @deadgerbil
deadgerbil · 26-30, M
@GreenNatured95 before he gets dragged over the coals, all the evidence needs to be seen
Sazzio · 36-40, M
So sorry to hear what yer going through.

A relationship combines two families and can break them in instant. Only thing can be done now is both families part ways in peace.

If it's any good news then atleast she found out pre marriage not post! That would've been even WORSE.
While this is sad, better to find out now rather than later. It can be miserable if have kids and then this pops up.
Sapio · 51-55, M
I think both families need to sit down and get this topic out in the open face to face. Both your brother and what was to be his wife to be need to express themselves and explain their sides. Because you never know. The pot might be calling the kettle black.
Almost anytime I hear someone's having a wedding it's been cancelled
Alex51 · 61-69, M
You must stand with your brother. Always avoid huge events
i love you Fredo.. but dont ever side against the family again :)
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