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What a relief - moved into a new (to me) house and wondered how bad the fireworks would be

while it did sound like a civil war battle ...they ran out of munitions before 10:00 p.m.

I'll take that as a win
fun4us2b · M
That was my thoughts last night as well. It was plain crazy...but died down around 10 here also....
Pretzel · 61-69, M
@fun4us2b I lived in one neighborhood where the beer and explosive lasted until around 2 in the morning - I wanted to play slim Whitman records at 6 in the morning to thank them
Had a walk up to the park, and was pleasantly surprised by how many of my neighbors actually cleaned up after themselves this year instead of leaving firework remnants all over the street.
SageWanderer · 70-79, M
I had hoped that the storm that passes through here at 10:30 or so would dampen their enthusiasm. Silly me; fifteen minutes later it started again and lasted until a little after midnight.
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It lasted until around 11 here. Fireworks were all around me.
Excellent. You really have to luck out with stuff like that.

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