LamontCranston It's one thing to say that Ginsburg didn't like Roe. I didn't like it myself, as I would have preferred a much firmer foundation for abortion rights. The fact remains that Ginsburg was firmly pro-choice.
You're also not describing the popular sentiment. Most people would support abortion for any reason up to 15 weeks, with later abortions allowed for rape, incest, threat to the mother's health, and severe fetal abnormalities. If you're implying that the majority is oppose to abortion for any reason after 15 weeks, that's simply wrong. Regardless, that's not what we will get with Dobbs, which allows states to ban abortion at any point for any reason. Ten states have passed bans that don't allow abortion in cases of rape. If you think a majority supports that, you're demented.
I don't understand why it's relevant what religion some of the framers followed. Many of them also owned slaves, didn't think women should be allowed to vote or own property, and lived in a sparsely-populated country that was mostly an agrarian backwater. Even assuming for the sake of argument that they intended the country to be "Christian," there is nothing in the Bible forbidding abortion, while there are many references to life beginning with the first breath. In short, the fundamentalist horror at abortion is purely political, not religious.
How about you send me your real name and I'll make a contribution in your name to the ACLU or NARAL. The Federalist Society pushes a view of America recognizable only to theocrats and oligarchs. What's sad is that the ACLU is actually on your side. The Federalists wouldn't hesitate to enslave people like you if they could get away with it.
Your idea of a fair election is when your side wins. As for people voting twice, most of those are Republicans.