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Independence Day

A Fourth of July story.
A little known (I think) fact about July Fourth is that Thomas Jefferson and John Adams both died on the same day, July 4th, fifty years after the Declaration of Independence. They had made up their differences and had corresponded regularly in their last years.
Only Washington and Franklin were their equals among the the distinguished band of Founding Fathers Providence blessed our republic with.
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@MarmeeMarch Ever hear of Sally Hemings? You can't complain about Jeffrey Epstein and give Jefferson a pass. And we know you support slavery, so of course you would get your panties in a bunch over anyone pointing out the embarrassing fact that Jefferson owned slaves. That's not presentism, by the way - slavery was a controversial issue even when Jefferson was alive. Nothing stopped him from freeing any slaves he inherited. Even Jefferson himself recognized that owning other people was problematic.
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"Providence?" More like "economics."
@LeopoldBloom @LeopoldBloom That is a gross misrepresentation of Gov. Desantis' positions. I consider him a hard-working, achieving, intelligent leader who worked his way through school. Florida is a leading state in many ways due to enlightened economic policies.
He signed a fifteen week abortion statute into law which (in my humble view) is fair, which most people not extremists on either side favor and which is likely to become the norm.
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Handfull1 · 61-69, F
@LamontCranston as an outsider, it’s interesting reading the banter. Both seem intelligent but don’t think your barbs aren’t out also. You just do it a bit more subtle.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
A review of history shows that not all Americans share the same Independence Day. Black people gained their independence on December 18, 1865, when the Thirteenth Amendment officially became part of the Constitution. And, even though Blacks were officially free and independent at that time they still were not Americans. They didn't officially become Americans until July 28, 1868 when the Fourteenth Amendment officially became part of the Constitution.

Most American Indians didn't actually become Americans until the American Indian Citizenship Act was signed into law on June 2, 1924. But even so some still couldn't vote until 1957.
@Diotrephes Technically, even white Americans weren't independent until the Treaty of Paris was ratified on September 3, 1783, when Britain formally recognized the independence of the former colonies.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@LeopoldBloom So, why isn't September 3 the nation's official Independence Day?
@Diotrephes Probably because July 4 was already being celebrated. But that's a good question; you'd think it would at least be commemorated. People mention the anniversaries of Pearl Harbor and D-Day, but Sept. 3 isn't even mentioned. I think I will start doing that from now on.
redredred · M
Adams last words were “Jefferson still lives”. In fact Jefferson had died a few hours before Adams .
@redredred Thanks for the additional color. I wanted to get the post up before the day had advanced too far and did not do the additional diligence to add that.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Only The Shadow knows!
I actually did know that. Pretty wild
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