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Saintweezer · 36-40, M

ImRileyTheDog · 22-25, F
I honestly hate this genre. 🤢 I only watch cartoons with little witches. 🧙‍♀️
@EarthlingWise Honestly, it’s not my favorite. And the ones I like tend to be more psychological thrillers rather than slash-em-ups.
I've never seen that. I should, huh?
@Mamapolo2016 I think you’d enjoy it. If you have Prime, it’s free right now.
It's not my fav because I generally hate them. But I was traumatized by , and I can't recall the name, now. It broke some barriers when it was released. The exorcism, that's the one.

And believe it or not, I just watched the one with Emily Blunt with her real life hubby, in, A Quiet Place. I saw zero sense it it, totally, but appreciated the family love(dynamic), it was also cool for me because one of the actors is Deaf and so they all signed :)

I have to add, that it was not much 'horror' but more a thriller IMO and disgusting evil aliens in it. Some things were gross and scary, for sure.
@LunadelobosIAMTHEDRAGON A lot of people will think my choice is mild because it had comedic moments, but horror isn’t my genre either. So I don’t like the hardcore stuff.
@bijouxbroussard Thank you :)
Ceinwyn · 26-30, F
The Shining
Rutterman · 46-50, M
Some of the movies based on Stephen King stories are among my favorites. Of those, I probably like The Dead Zone the best. It was also made into a very good TV series.
@Rutterman I loved The Dead Zone movie with Christopher Walken. That was an example of the movie being true to the novel. I did enjoy the series, too. The Dead Zone is my favorite of his books.
Henal · 26-30, F
I like The Conjuring/Annabelle series. Not sure which one I’d pick to be my favourite though.
I am Not into reel horror.
Realistic is sufficient for life.
@sspec I understand.
Harmonium1923 · 51-55, M
I’d say The Shining except I know you don’t like it (I remember my friends’ tastes, LOL). So I’m gonna go with the original Psycho.

Plus I think it has famous background music by Bartok, if I’m remembering right.
Harmonium1923 · 51-55, M
@Harmonium1923 OMG the Bartok piece was in The Shining. I can’t win!
😳 🔪
@Harmonium1923 It was well done. It just strayed from the novel in places I wish it hadn’t.
horror isn't my favorite, unless it's really campy, like Dark Shadows.

but i did watch An American Werewolf in London for the first time this year. it made me laugh and it was pretty gory. i only got scared for a moment when Jack was attacked.
That movie was really like no other. I can't believe adults were not only present but consented to me watching it! I couldn't sleep alone for a while.

I was probably eleven or so. Maybe 12, but not older.
poisonouscupcake · 22-25, F
i haven’t seen many but i liked the original orphan movie from 2009😺
i watched it with my cousin on a rainy day and it spooked me quite a lot i think it’s an interesting premise
TrashCat · M
The original Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
I consider this a perfect horror movie with the acting, the atmosphere, the writing. Everything about is is creepy AF
hunkalove · 61-69, M
I'm not much into horror movies. I scare too easily. But my fave would be the original Dracula (1931). Scared me silly when i was 11!
@hunkalove That was pretty cool. The original Nosferatu (1922) was eerie, too.
bookerdana · M
That was a good one...I liked House on Haunted Hill.....so did Martin Scorsese And Stephen King The Haunting of Hill House
sciguy18 · M
That was a good one. I don’t really have a favorite, but the only movie that actually gave me the creeps was The Exorcist.
RodionRomanovitch · 56-60, M
I'm not a fan of the genre , but when I was younger both Rosemary's Baby and Don't Look Now used to scare the shit out of me.
test9876 · 56-60, M
I saw a werewolf with a Chinese menu in his hand.
@test9876 In a movie ?
test9876 · 56-60, M
@bijouxbroussard its from the song "Werewolves of London" :)
@test9876 Great song. I miss Warren Zevon. 🙁
That would be Mimic.
I think of it everytime I look at subway tunnels.
@PiecingBabyFaceTogether I’ll have to check it out.
@bijouxbroussard Check the 1997 one the first movie only. There's part 2 and 3 but they have totally different cast and different stories they have nothing to do with the first one.

Not favorite maybe, but the one that scared me the most for sure..
@SW-User Oh, wow ! 😱
@bijouxbroussard I've seen it two or three times (with different people), and I'm still scared from it 😩
Eternity · 26-30, M
Dawn of the Dead (the most recent one) scared the shit out of me as a kid but now it is a sentimental favorite.
ReneeT · 61-69, M
I always loved the older movies. Frankenstein, Dracula or any Alfred Hitchcock movie
I love that movie! Love comedy horror
@Bexsy Yes ! I’m not really a horror fan but the humor attracted me. I first saw it at a drive-in.
@bijouxbroussard yes, I prefer some comedy involved. I need the comedy otherwise i get too spooked
cycleman · 61-69, M
Rocky Horror Picture Show
@cycleman I used to go see that in Berkeley—in costume. 😊
cycleman · 61-69, M
@bijouxbroussard I'm a nerd. So I enjoyed it at home, on the cool vcr. 😄
Eddiesolds · 61-69, M
I get too scared. I dont have a favorite. Lol
Pfuzylogic · M
The first Omen with Gregory Peck.
@Pfuzylogic Oh, yes, I remember that one. I read the book, too.
chillout17 · M
Rocky Horror Picture Show
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
Friday The 13th , Scream , Halloween
fun4us2b · M
Candyman, Candyman, Can....oops...
Dino11 · M
The Shining scares me the most.
LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
Loved it. A classic
ronisme1 · 61-69, M
The shining and IT
Stephen King's IT

vorian · 51-55, M
I watched this aged about 10 with my brother. Scared the living shit out of me.
Jenny agutter became my first celebrity crush.
A cameo in the pub scene from a sadly missed british comedy great rik mayall.
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
The Shining
Dino11 · M
@Dino11 Admittedly it’s one of his best performances.
Dino11 · M
@bijouxbroussard Admittedly..
@DunningKruger I saw this in the theater when it first came out, and it really had a punch.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
Mine too ! I was going to say that !
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
I didn't mean to call you "meatloaf", Jack!
Fave is The Exorcist.
@uncalled4 Yes ! I saw The Exorcist with some fellow Catholic school friends. We were jumping at shadows for weeks…😱
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
@bijouxbroussard There's just something...off about the whole thing, just intangible. To not be able to get why something spooks you....THAT is scary. There is also very little score, certainly nothing when all hell is breaking loose, so to speak, Add to that the unusual amount of people who died while making it and some of William Friedkin's behavior and you have.....a classic horror film.
ronisme1 · 61-69, M
@bijouxbroussard great movie
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
We just watched that last week. My daughter thought it was weird. 🤣 I always liked it.

My favorite horror movie for real though, has to be The Strangers.

I am a sucker for Freddy, Michael, Jason and Pennywise but that movie actually scared me .

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