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Rwanda policy

So the failed extremely costly Rwanda policcy is now dead

Good ridence but what about ALL the wasted tax payers money

What Government strikes a deal with another country , pays them millions of pounds before eveb putting it through parliament

With this, track and trace, false/ fake contacts for Covid and brexit , various MPs avioding taxes will the new government start to get all the money back from the likes of Michelle Moan

The UK is messed up when it can afford nom doms, tax avioders, government fraud, King pay rise but cant afford the basics for its own citizens
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helenS · 36-40, F
Caution! This tank is filled with political promises 🤣
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
Well . . the policy was challenged in the Supreme Court which determined that the removal of asylum seekers to Rwanda was likely to contravene our legal obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights. So the government passed a law declaring that it was in fact legal . . 🤦‍♀

At least the money has gone to a reasonably competent government in a developing nation. It will compensate for recent cuts to the overseas aid budget.
The new government will fail just like the previous government. They'll just fail in different ways. The net result will be the same.
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ninjavu · 51-55, M
Well, what do you expect from "fiscally conservative" Conservatives?? 😂🤷‍♂
supersnipe · 61-69, M
Michelle Moan 😁😂 Nice one!
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
Well put the toriee over 14 yeqes have rqped the uk of all ots wealth, humanity, kindness, openness, money, world standing

They've made the uk a laughing stock around the world

The Rwanda scheme was always a vanity project amd at best to distract so they could carry on taking the assests and money for themselves and thoer mates

The UK has changed and not for the better, far too mamy belive rhe petty lies rhey rolled out but dont care about nom doms, tax avioders, government fraud which has cost the UK billions of pounds
Alex51 · 61-69, M
vote bank politic
JSmith75 · 46-50, M
val70 · 51-55
Waste: a policy abandoned
Ontheroad · M
Welcome to the world of governing by the incompetent.

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