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Rishi calls convicts cowards

Not that i don't disagree that people found guilty of their crines should be made to go back to court to face the sentencing and the families but to call them cowards when he can't even turn up at parliament for voting and uses excuses we'd use to get off of school

Shouldn't it be the same for all MPs that they have to go to parliament to vote

Like the Nadine Dorriss fiasco when someone says they have resigned why has it taken over 6 months for her to go in no normal job would hou have that luxury so surely she should pay back the extra money shes gotten since she made that announcement

Parliament is very outdated and time MPs were brought into line like the general public are
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Leave poor Rishi alone, he is doing the worst he can.

Poor man now has to find student accommodation in Huddersfield.
Deal with 104 closed schools because of defective concrete.
Have electric cars by 2030.
And has a defence secretary with no military background, whilst a war rages in Ukraine.
And I forgot, a foreign policy that placates China.
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@SW-User the first real good post so thank you

don't forget a new by election to lose
plus the 50 other school closed cos of it
an economy which is stagnant
inflation and taxes going up
wages low
Police in chaos
NHS Rail network and others striking
let alone a foreign policy that noone knows even in government what it is
nacnud · 36-40, M
The PMs biggest problem is he doesn't like taking responsibility and owning his actions. He also isn't able to understand the real hardships many are going through or simply doesn't care.

More widely a clear contract every MP as an employee has to sign which includes how much time they must be in parliament and failure to do this results in a warning and then a recall petition.
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@nacnud so well put but sadly MPs have been like this for a good few years now

Yes they should be under a contract like every other worker same laws rules should apply
I have followed the evolution of the government of the United Kingdom. I’m something of a history nerd. But I agree, the usages there Are woefully out of date. And treat the political class almost as well as the entitled nobility. We have much the same here as system Outdated by centuries.And they’re not quite a hereditary class, our upper wealthy, or as entitled as any hereditary nobility. It is time for changes in both our nations
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@SatyrService thats all it is more so the class system like with when the king inherited he didnt pay any tax on it !!

Mps seem to be able to do anything and its ok

Like Nadine Dorries saying shed resign and took her months to actually go as even though she said it no one could make her go
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
Certainly, MPs should be accountable to those who pay their wages and the PM is jumping on a slightly peculiar bandwagon and making himself look silly by voicing this opinion. But there is no similarity between the two. A convicted criminal has the opportunity to accept responsibility for their crime, which may affect the judge's outlook in sentencing. There is no obligation for them to do this and forcing them to appear in court is a rather grotesque sideshow that has no obvious function.
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@SunshineGirl well put and im syre its onky been done now because of the GE coming so they can sprout on what they've done

To me all MPs should be there no excuses more so for voting
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milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@Jungleman so who will that be as every party serves globalist elite as its a global world now

as for serving just indigenous British then you can take back all the millions that live in other countries back
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milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@jshm2 could say that about the British too if your going to be like that

of course it makes a difference and your taking from a point of you don't care about others and are a typical Brit as long as it doesn't affect me fuck anyone else

if your that unhappy move to another country then

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