No, but I don't believe it to be climate change, either.
We know that woodlands and forests will regularly burn down and regenerate themselves - especially if they are helped either by humans or Mother Nature.
The problem is that we don't respect this enough to ensure that we build in fire breaks or plan safe routes out of the way for people when it happens.
No. There is no divine will. No. It is not "climate change" Yes. It is a product of liberal corruption. Yes. The taxpayers paid to preserve the water and not squander it on smelt. Yes. The corrupt "leadership" emptied the reservoirs that filled the hydrants. Yes. Bass is as corrupt as they come. Yes. Over 100 of the 180 firetrucks were "in the shop" being repaired. Yes. The corrupt LAFD officials make $750k per year to screw citizens. Yes. Insurance companies canceled policies prior to the fires because they knew fire was presentable but liberals refused to do the right thing.