Here is the July average temperature in the USA from 1913-2013 (source:
"Zero" refers to the average temperature. We can clearly see a maximum in the time periode 1933-1938, corresponding to the Great Drought (Woody Guthrie's "dustbowl"). From 1938-1998, temperatures oscillated around a slightly negative value. Since 1998, increased temperatures are found as well as higher oscillation amplitudes, which is an alarming phenomenon. The relation between these data and climate changes as a result of CO2 emissions is not settled yet. Model calculations indicate that the drought in the 1930s is related to changes in the SST (sea surface temperature) in the Pacific ocean. The oscillations show that singular weather events do not indicate climate changes.
@helenS i agree, but we are only in the infancy of collected data, apart from core measurements etc... The earth is spilling out carbon naturally, even without a sudden catastrophic event. Accepted carbon is high. I am not disregarding anthropogenic influences.
Climate change is happening right now. It is too late to avoid the effects. Too much time was wasted over the last 20 years. Our best hope now is an all-out effort to reverse global warming.
We the people of the world are going to have to force our governments to act. We must plant millions and millions of acres of trees, drastically reduce carbon emissions from vehicles and industrial sources, change our transit system to low emissions modern trains and buses, reduce use of energy generally. We are going to have to walk and bicycle for transportation a great deal more.
This effort to reduce climate change will probably occupy us for the rest of the 21st century. Maybe longer.
July in New Hampshire thus far for this current year, A.D. 2021 has averaged low 60° F , and rain. History always repeats. The earth is a washing machine. It will cleanse itself by its various orbits.
@aaaabbbb Really? You're asking that of someone that is baffled by 2 syllable words? 😆🤣 Hint......if you see a tin foil hat with MAGA printed on it with a Sharpie.....ur not gonna be talking to a genius.
@anythingoes477 the magnetic poles are reportedly shifting as the artic ice subsides. What's so science specific to comprehend how it all coincides? I don't care I'm not a good speller, doesn't mean I don't understand how things work, bud.
@boudinMan Surprised ur on here. Figured u and Budwick would be out building a " I blow rump" float on ur pickup trucks for his big inauguration parade in August.
Climate has been changing ever since there has been climate. You're a fool if you think more taxes will change it to what ever you might think is normal.
@Budwick What will change it is the morning someone finds Rump dead in bed. Then all the denial to suck his cock will be meaningless. Imagine how lost you and the cult will be then. Nothing to deny anymore. Nothing to hate anymore. Imagine.
Fewer and fewer people are denying climate change is a thing, but a lot of former deniers are now saying climate change is natural. Less falsifiable that way